Dominated by Christ alone
Your power flowing through me
My heart Christ's throne
Ah, Lord, can it be?
When my spirit is faint, You know my way
Walk beside me, O Lord, day by day
John 11.26; Psalm 142.3; 1 Esdras 7.15; 1 Corinthians 5.7
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
Prayer: Though Years be Many or Few
Lord Jesus, may I live a life that expresses the joy of being in relationship with You and demonstrates Your love to the watching world. Use me, O Lord. The years may be many or few. Place me where I can best serve You and influence the most for Thee. May I rejoice in all things, knowing all is useful in Your hands. I call upon You, O Lord, give ear to my voice when I cry. Let my prayer be counted as incense before You. May I not lose heart, even though my outer nature is wasting away, may my inner nature be renewed day by day. Keep my eyes focused on You, O Lord.
John 3.30; 1 Peter 4.13; Numbers 27.8; Psalm 141.1-2; 2 Corinthians 4.16-18
John 3.30; 1 Peter 4.13; Numbers 27.8; Psalm 141.1-2; 2 Corinthians 4.16-18
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Prayer: Singleness of Vision & Purpose
Lord God, I draw near to You. I choose with my whole will to draw near. So many things distract and pull my attention, my focus, off of You. I will myself to be quiet and sit before You. I choose You. Uphold me with Thy free Spirit, O Lord. You are my God; give ear, O Lord, to the voice of my supplication. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King and my God. I meditate upon Your Word. Direct my hopes and yearnings. Break into my life and grant me eyes to see Your hand acting on my behalf. Grant singleness of vision and purpose. May Your Word be written on my heart by Your Spirit. I choose to walk in the freedom of Christ, in oneness with You, my Lord and my God.
Psalm 51.12; Psalm 140.6; 1 Esdras 5.47,58; 2 Corinthians 3.2-3, 17
Psalm 51.12; Psalm 140.6; 1 Esdras 5.47,58; 2 Corinthians 3.2-3, 17
Eternal Life,
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Prayer: Enwheeled About...

Emancipation; freedom through Christ. Emancipation from my own ideas; absolute loyalty to Christ. Lord, I confess that so often I live a life enslaved and not emancipated. May my eye be clear, may I hear the Word of God, may I take possession of the knowledge of the Most High, may I see the vision of the Almighty and behold You. Lead me, O God, in the Way Everlasting. From You alone comes wisdom and victory. May I be "enwheeled about with the odor of Christ." May I spread abroad in every place the very fragrance of Christ. May I be the aroma of Life to those whom I meet.
Numbers 24.25-27; Psalm 139.24; 1 Esdras 4.58-60; 2 Corinthians 2.14-15, 17
Numbers 24.25-27; Psalm 139.24; 1 Esdras 4.58-60; 2 Corinthians 2.14-15, 17
Eternal Life,
Friday, November 2, 2007
Prayer: Fulfill That Which is Purposed
Lord Jesus Christ, I empty myself and ask You to fill me. I chose a life set apart. Fulfill that in me and through me which You have purposed. Your steadfast love endures forever. Fulfill the work of Your hands. May I truly be able to console those around me with the very consolation which You have been to me.
Numbers 23.9,19; Psalm 138.8; 2 Corinthians 1.3-5
Numbers 23.9,19; Psalm 138.8; 2 Corinthians 1.3-5
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Prayer: Clear Sighted
Lord God, may I grasp ever more clearly the fact that I am not my own, that I have been bought with a price. May I see when You open effective work for me; grant eyes to see Your leading as well as Your opposition to opportunities. Open my ear to those who are there to speak Your truth into my life, especially those unexpected voices along the way. May I be a clear-sighted woman of God. Keep me ever alert, firm in my faith, courageous, strong and filled with the love of Christ.
1 Corinthians 6.19; Numbers 22.34,38; 1 Corinthians 16.9,13
1 Corinthians 6.19; Numbers 22.34,38; 1 Corinthians 16.9,13
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Prayer: Clarifying Your Truth
Lord God, thank You for all the times my faith has been tried. Thank You for using those times to help me learn more about Your character and to clarify Your Truth in my heart and mind. Your Word, O God, is Your Voice to me. Your Word, O Christ, is You fleshed out for me. Thank You for Your Word. may it ever be a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path in times of darkness. May I sit patiently before Your Word, listening carefully, not becoming impatient along the Way. I give thanks to You, O Lord, for Your steadfast love and boundless mercy. Continue, O Lord, to stir my spirit so I become steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the work You have given me. By Your grace, O God, I am what I am.
Psalm 119.11, 105; Psalm 136.1; 1 Esdras 2.2; 1 Corinthians 15
Psalm 119.11, 105; Psalm 136.1; 1 Esdras 2.2; 1 Corinthians 15
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Prayer: That None of Your Words Would Fall
Ah, Holy One, may I choose to see the revelation fact of God in the practical experiences throughout my day, so I may work out more and more who You are to me. I trust You in all. I strive to excel in those things that will build up the church, Your Kingdom. I strive to ensure that none of Your words to me fall to the ground.
Psalm 135.15-18; 1 Esdras 1.24; 1 Corinthians 14.12
Psalm 135.15-18; 1 Esdras 1.24; 1 Corinthians 14.12
Monday, October 29, 2007
Prayer: Formed in Me
Ah, Lord Jesus Christ, be formed in me. May Your will be worked out in my life. May I truly possess the mind of Christ.
Philippians 2.5; Psalm 134.1
Philippians 2.5; Psalm 134.1
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Prayer: Activating, Allotting, Arranging, Appointing
Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for Your stupendous atonement. Increasingly I bow to Your will. O Lord, how good and pleasant it is to live in unity with You. Thank You for activating, allotting, arranging and appointing me into the body of Christ!
Psalm 133.1; Esther 10.3; 1 Corinthians 12
Psalm 133.1; Esther 10.3; 1 Corinthians 12
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Prayer: Foolish Enough to Trust
Ah, Lord God, may I truly know You as my Risen Lord. May I fully know the Power of Your indwelling Spirit. May I be foolish enough to trust what You say in Your Word. Change, O God, sorrow to gladness and distress to joy and dancing!
1 Corinthians 15.57; Esther 9.22
1 Corinthians 15.57; Esther 9.22
Friday, October 26, 2007
Prayer: The Astute Mind Behind
I see You as the Astute Mind Behind all. My heart is not lifted up, my eyes are not raised too high, I do not occupy myself with things too great and marvelous for me. I calm and quiet my soul before You, O God. I drink from my Spiritual Rock, O Christ.
Numbers 16.2; Psalm 131; 1 Corinthians 10.12-13
Numbers 16.2; Psalm 131; 1 Corinthians 10.12-13
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Prayer: Do Not Run Aimlessly
Lord God, my hope, my aim, is to live in such a way that I am useful to You and to the building up of Your Kingdom. Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah, in the discipline of my self-life. I wait for You, O Lord. In You, my soul waits. If You were to mark all my sins and iniquities, O Holy One, I could not stand before You. It is You, my Kinsman Redeemer, who redeems me from all my iniquities. Govern me by Your most righteous laws. Regenerate me by Your Spirit. Write Your Law upon my heart and mind. Adopt me as Your own. May all I do all in this life in a most excellent way, reflecting Your rule, Your love, Your reign. May I do all things thoughtfully so as not run aimlessly.
Psalm 130.3,8; Esther 16. 15-16,21; 1 Corinthians 9.26
Psalm 130.3,8; Esther 16. 15-16,21; 1 Corinthians 9.26
Eternal Life,
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Prayer: Freshest & Best
O Lord God, may I exhibit the absolute captivity of my life to my Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. Encircle me all about with the very fragrance of Christ. I choose to remain in ever closer contact with You. May I live at my freshest and best and preserve from corruption this portion of the world in which You have placed me. I owe my very existence to You. May I display a different Spirit than what the world has to offer by following You wholeheartedly and building others up through love.
The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but You come to give abundant Life. Today and every day, may I choose Life!
Numbers 14.9, 24; Psalm 129.3; 1 Corinthians 8.1
The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but You come to give abundant Life. Today and every day, may I choose Life!
Numbers 14.9, 24; Psalm 129.3; 1 Corinthians 8.1
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Prayer: Trusting Until the Final Hour
Ah, Lord God, may I be Your new creation. May I see all things as coming from You, trusting in Your Power, Your Working, Your Plan. May I be ready to go on trusting until the final hour. I choose to go boldly into the land where You are leading, fearing You, walking in Your ways, eating the fruit of my labors, filled with Your joy, bringing my children with me. If I have found favor with my King, let my life be granted me at my petition and my people at my request. May I lead the life You have assigned me and complete that to which You have called me.
2 Corinthians 5.17; Numbers 13.20, 27; Psalm 128.1-3; Esther 7.3-4; 1 Corinthians 7.12
2 Corinthians 5.17; Numbers 13.20, 27; Psalm 128.1-3; Esther 7.3-4; 1 Corinthians 7.12
Monday, October 22, 2007
Prayer: Furnishing the Quiet Places of My Soul
O Lord, fill me with Your Spirit. I choose to furnish the quiet places of my soul with all that is beautiful, harmonious and enduring. Teach me to pray in Your Spirit. It is only as Your Spirit bears withness with my spirit that I can pray effectually. I am not my own; I have been bought with the precious blood of Christ. May all that He has proposed be done, let nothing be omitted in my heart and life.
Romans 8.16; Jude 20; Psalm 127.1; Esther 6.10; 1 Corinthians 6.19-20
Romans 8.16; Jude 20; Psalm 127.1; Esther 6.10; 1 Corinthians 6.19-20
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Prayer: Exceptional in Ordinary Things
Lord God, may I learn to be exceptional in ordinary things; a disciple in all things. May I keep a listening ear ever inclined to hear Your Voice, Your Spirit, Your gentle knocking upon my heart's door.
May I not get bogged down with negative circumstances or misfortune, and start complaining needlessly. I look instead to You, the Author, the Perfecter, the Finisher of my faith and know in Your hand is unlimited power. I wait for the fulfillment of Your Word with expectation and hope. You, O Lord, have done great things for me and I will rejoice! Fill my soul with laughter. I feast upon the Bread of Sincerity and Truth, and put aside malice and envy. You, O Lord have done great things for me and I will rejoice!
Isaiah 55.3; Psalm 126.3; Esther 5.13; 1 Corinthians 5.7-8
May I not get bogged down with negative circumstances or misfortune, and start complaining needlessly. I look instead to You, the Author, the Perfecter, the Finisher of my faith and know in Your hand is unlimited power. I wait for the fulfillment of Your Word with expectation and hope. You, O Lord, have done great things for me and I will rejoice! Fill my soul with laughter. I feast upon the Bread of Sincerity and Truth, and put aside malice and envy. You, O Lord have done great things for me and I will rejoice!
Isaiah 55.3; Psalm 126.3; Esther 5.13; 1 Corinthians 5.7-8
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Prayer: Operate from the Innermost of the Innermost
Ah, Lord God, may my eyes be opened so that more and more I live in Your Kingdom and see those things which really matter. May I operate from the Innermost of the innermost. May Your power and Your Kingdom be released within me; may Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. I thank You that You hear my cry and for creating the realization that Your response was there in all eternity, awaiting my cry. I invoke the aid of my all-knowing God and Savior. Surround Your people as the mountains surround Jerusalem. May they be as immovable as Mt. Zion as they place their trust in You.
May I be a faithful servant of Christ and a faithful steward of the mysteries that You open to me, O Gracious God.
I John 5.14-15; Numbers 10.31; Psalm 125.1-2; Esther 15.2; 1 Corinthians 4.1-2, 20
May I be a faithful servant of Christ and a faithful steward of the mysteries that You open to me, O Gracious God.
I John 5.14-15; Numbers 10.31; Psalm 125.1-2; Esther 15.2; 1 Corinthians 4.1-2, 20
Eternal Life,
Friday, October 19, 2007
Prayer: Building on the Christ-Foundation
Lord God, may I choose with care how to build upon my Christ-foundation. Make me one with You, for my help in building successfully on this Sure Foundation comes only from You, the Lord who made heaven and earth. May I learn to look for and to rely upon Your direction in all things. May I steadily practice thanksgiving and praise, calling to remembrance often Your help in times past. You are the God of my praise! May I learn to turn to You at the first sign of fear or confusion. Make Yourself known in my heart and life, for I have no Helper but You.
Numbers 9.23; Psalm 124.8; 1 Corinthians 3.10
Numbers 9.23; Psalm 124.8; 1 Corinthians 3.10
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Prayer: Sent Out on Your Enterprises
Ah, Lord God, may Your Holy Spirit shed abroad the love of Christ in my heart so I may touch the heart, mind and spirit of all whom I meet with the love of Christ. Send me out on Your enterprises. May every act of mine be done out of faithfulness and devotion to You. As the eyes of the servant look to the hand of their Master, as the eyes of the maid to the hand of her mistress, so my eyes look to You, my Lord and my God. Have mercy on me, O Lord. I resolve to know nothing except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Teach me, O Holy Spirit. Instruct me in the things of the Spirit.
Number 8.16; Psalm 123.2; 1Corinthians 2.2, 11, 13
Number 8.16; Psalm 123.2; 1Corinthians 2.2, 11, 13
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Prayer: My First Instinct
No matter the circumstance, may my first instinct be to pray. Fit me, O God, for this greater work of prayer. May I turn aside to meet with You and be prepared in heart and mind to hear Your voice. I am but an ordinary person; but You have chosen me for such a time as this. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I pray for the peace of Your people; be their refuge and strong tower. Enrich me through the power of Christ. Pour out Your grace on me in every way so that I may reveal Christ to others in speech and knowledge of every kind. Strengthen me so that I will be blameless in the day of Christ (I wonder aloud, O God, is this possible?). I know that with me it is not possible, but with You all things are possible.
Number 7.89; Psalm 122.6-7; Esther 4.8,14; I Corinthians 1 4-9
Number 7.89; Psalm 122.6-7; Esther 4.8,14; I Corinthians 1 4-9
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Prayer: Bless Those Whom I Love
Ah, Lord God, bless and keep those whom I love. Make Your face to shine upon them and be gracious to them. Lift up Your countenance upon them and give them peace. Establish their goings out and their comings in from this time on and forever more. Guard them and assure their safety in all they undertake.
Numbers 6.24-26; Psalm 121.8
Numbers 6.24-26; Psalm 121.8
Monday, October 15, 2007
Prayer: Written for My Instruction
Lord God, Your Words are Life to me. May I see that whatever was written in former days was written for my instruction. May I be diligent and steadfast in reading, meditating on, applying, praying, living Your Word so as to encourage and provide hope to others.
Romans 15.4
Romans 15.4
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Prayer: Whether I Live or Die
Whether I live or die may I be totally Yours, O My Lord and King. I thank You that I was humbled so that I might learn of You and Your Word.
Psalm 119.71; Romans 14.7-8
Psalm 119.71; Romans 14.7-8
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Prayer: Now is the Moment to Wake from Sleep
Ah, Lord God, now is the time to learn to communicate with You and become radiant with the love of Christ. I choose to be in Your Kingdom and of Your Kingdom. Set me, O Lord, in a broad place. Now is the time to wake from sleep!
Psalm 118.5; Romans 13.11
Psalm 118.5; Romans 13.11
Friday, October 12, 2007
Prayer: A Life Graced by Divine Order
Father God, may I no longer work from my own individual standpoint, but always from Your standpoint. May I be faithful to You even in the simplest tasks. May I choose to "camp" in Your Presence like the children of Israel as You led them through the wilderness. May I seek to go deeper into my own heart, where Christ dwells, learning to live a life graced by Divine Order. Great is Your steadfast love toward me, and Your faithfulness endures forever. I present myself to You as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to You. This is simply my reasonable service. May I be ever willing to walk on the Path of self-denial and service.
Matthew 25.21; Numbers 2; Psalm 117.2; Romans 12.1-2
Matthew 25.21; Numbers 2; Psalm 117.2; Romans 12.1-2
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Praise: The Grace of Silence

Ah, Lord God, may I be willing to sit in silence and hear what You are teaching me through that silence. May I be willing to engage in rigorous thinking and devout meditation on Scripture to know You and understand Your purposes more fully. I publish with the voice of thanksgiving and tell of all Your wondrous works. May I be ever open to being made new by You and by the Power of Your Holy Spirit. I still myself within and attend to Your Voice.
I love You, Lord, for You hear my voice and incline Your ear to me. Thank You for my afflictions which draw me ever closer to You. I stand only through faith. I stand in awe of You. May I continue in Your kindness. Thank You for Your irrevocable gifts and calling.
Psalm 26.6-7; Psalm 116; 1-2,10, 15; Romans 11.5, 20, 22, 29
I love You, Lord, for You hear my voice and incline Your ear to me. Thank You for my afflictions which draw me ever closer to You. I stand only through faith. I stand in awe of You. May I continue in Your kindness. Thank You for Your irrevocable gifts and calling.
Psalm 26.6-7; Psalm 116; 1-2,10, 15; Romans 11.5, 20, 22, 29
Eternal Life,
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Prayer: Steadfast Love
Thank You, O God, for Your Word. It is the Bread of Life to me. Thank You for making it near me, on my lips and in my heart.
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness.
Psalm 115.1; Romans 10
Not to us, O Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give glory for the sake of Your steadfast love and Your faithfulness.
Psalm 115.1; Romans 10
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Prayer: At-one-ment
Lord God, may I experience "at-one-ment" with You, no matter the circumstance. May I be drawn closer and closer to You by Your bonds of love. Thank You for being my Savior, my Rescuer, My Shepherd, My Father, My Abba! I rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory for Your demonstration of love and grace in my heart and life.
Thank You for clearing out the old and making way for the new, for breaking the bars of my yoke and helping me walk erect. Let the sun of righteousness dawn upon me so I may rise with healing in my wings. Have mercy, O God; show mercy, O God. Thank You for making this one who was not beloved Your beloved. I love You, O my Beloved!
I Peter 1.8; Leviticus 26.10,13; Malachi 4.2; Romans 9.15-16,25
Thank You for clearing out the old and making way for the new, for breaking the bars of my yoke and helping me walk erect. Let the sun of righteousness dawn upon me so I may rise with healing in my wings. Have mercy, O God; show mercy, O God. Thank You for making this one who was not beloved Your beloved. I love You, O my Beloved!
I Peter 1.8; Leviticus 26.10,13; Malachi 4.2; Romans 9.15-16,25
Monday, October 8, 2007
Prayer: With Sighs Too Deep for Words
Ah, Lord God, we ask You with sighs too deep for words to grant comfort and hope and peace for Elsie Flower and her family, and for Connie Hildebrand and her family. Order Your blessings for all of these, Your children. We cry, "Abba, Father!" We bless Your Name. We praise Your Name as the God of all Comfort. Take note of these Your children who revere You and think on Your Name. May they know they are Your special possession, treasured by You.
Leviticus 25.21; Psalm 113.2-5; Malachi 3.16,17; Romans 8.14-16
Leviticus 25.21; Psalm 113.2-5; Malachi 3.16,17; Romans 8.14-16
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Prayer: Lay It to Heart
Lord God, may I lay it to heart to give glory to Your Name. May I guard well the knowledge You grant me, share Your Word, and bear fruit that is evidence of Your work in my heart and life.
Psalm 112.7; Malachi 2.27; Romans 7.4
Psalm 112.7; Malachi 2.27; Romans 7.4
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Prayer: A Christ-Animated Life
Holy and awesome is Your Name, O Lord! Father God, as a little child, I slip my hand into Yours, confident of Your love, protection, guidance and care. May I lead others to Your Father heart. May I walk in the newness of life demonstrated by the resurrected Christ. Fill me with Your wisdom and understanding. I seek to honor You in all I do.
Psalm 111.8-10; Malachi 1.6; Romans 6.4, 22
Psalm 111.8-10; Malachi 1.6; Romans 6.4, 22
Friday, October 5, 2007
Prayer: Ever Filled with Hope
May I, O Lord, learn to live out of the abundance of Your grace and love, ever filled with hope that begins and ends in You.
Romans 5.3-5
Romans 5.3-5
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Prayer: O God of My Praise
Do not be silent, O God of my praise. Psalm 109.1
You are the God of my praise!
Almighty God,
Blessed Redeemer,
Constant One
Deliver in times of trouble
You are the God of my praise!
Everlasting Father
Friend who sticks closer than a brother
Gracious Guide
The One Who Hears me when I pray
You are the God of my praise!
Just One
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
You are the God of my praise!
Noble One
Prince of Peace
You are the God of my praise!
The One Who Quiets me with His love
The One Who Rejoices over me with singing
Tower of Refuge & Strength
You are the God of my praise!
The One Who Understands my heart better than I
Who Values me as the pearl of great price
Who Welcomes me home with arms of love
Who does exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think
You are the God of my praise!
I yield myself to you, the One Who Yearns for my companionship,
O Zealous Lover of my Soul!
You are the God of my praise!
Almighty God,
Blessed Redeemer,
Constant One
Deliver in times of trouble
You are the God of my praise!
Everlasting Father
Friend who sticks closer than a brother
Gracious Guide
The One Who Hears me when I pray
You are the God of my praise!
Just One
King of Kings
Lord of Lords
You are the God of my praise!
Noble One
Prince of Peace
You are the God of my praise!
The One Who Quiets me with His love
The One Who Rejoices over me with singing
Tower of Refuge & Strength
You are the God of my praise!
The One Who Understands my heart better than I
Who Values me as the pearl of great price
Who Welcomes me home with arms of love
Who does exceedingly abundantly above all I could ask or think
You are the God of my praise!
I yield myself to you, the One Who Yearns for my companionship,
O Zealous Lover of my Soul!
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Prayer: I Will Do Valiantly
Lord God, may I allow nothing to come between me and Jesus Christ. May I possess a deep certainty in You and in Your promises; in Your Power to save, to sanctify and keep me. Human help in this regard is worthless, but with You as Guardian of my Soul, I shall do valiantly. This truly boils down to a matter of the heart, doesn't it? Circumcise my heart, O Lord. I ever look to You, for You were pierced for my iniquities, transgressions and sins.
Leviticus 20.8; Psalm 108.12,13; Acts 2.29
Leviticus 20.8; Psalm 108.12,13; Acts 2.29
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Prayer: I Can Do Nothing...
I confess that I can of my own strength do nothing. O Lord, have compassion on us and help us do Thy will. May I seek not my own will, but the will of my Father. I yield my heart, mind and hands unto You. I thank You for Your steadfast love and wonderful works. You alone can satisfy the thirsty and hungry. O Lord, I hunger and thirst for Your righteousness. May I encourage others in their faith.
Mark 9.22; John 5.30; Psalm 107.6-9; Romans 1.12
Mark 9.22; John 5.30; Psalm 107.6-9; Romans 1.12
Monday, October 1, 2007
Prayer: My Supply
You, O Lord, are my Supply. You bless my storehouses and all I set my hand to do. Call to remembrance all Your works on my behalf. I wait for Your counsel for You are all-knowing and wise. You, O Lord, bring showers in due season. Pour out Your showers of blessing and love.
I choose to welcome all whom You send my way. Grant me the gift of hospitality. May I graciously proclaim Your Kingdom, teaching with all boldness and without hindrance, for Your Word is Life. You came to give Life more abundant -- pour out Your Life through me.
Deuteronomy 28.8; Psalm 106.13; Zechariah 10.1
I choose to welcome all whom You send my way. Grant me the gift of hospitality. May I graciously proclaim Your Kingdom, teaching with all boldness and without hindrance, for Your Word is Life. You came to give Life more abundant -- pour out Your Life through me.
Deuteronomy 28.8; Psalm 106.13; Zechariah 10.1
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Prayer: Kick out the Whine
Lord God, I ask You to make me new wine for others. May I no longer object to those fingers You choose to bring into my life to crush me to bring forth that wine. May I kick out the familiar whine during those times of crushing.
O Holy One, grant me strength for each day's tasks. I give thanks to You, my Strength and Provider. I call upon Your Name. I make known Your deeds among Your people. I sing to You, I sing praises to You. I tell of all Your wonderful works. I glory in Your Holy Name. Let my heart rejoice as I seek You. I return to You, for You are my Stronghold. May I be a prisoner of Hope, trusting in Your love and grace and mercy to see me through each and every moment of every day.
Psalm 105.1-4; Zechariah 9.12
O Holy One, grant me strength for each day's tasks. I give thanks to You, my Strength and Provider. I call upon Your Name. I make known Your deeds among Your people. I sing to You, I sing praises to You. I tell of all Your wonderful works. I glory in Your Holy Name. Let my heart rejoice as I seek You. I return to You, for You are my Stronghold. May I be a prisoner of Hope, trusting in Your love and grace and mercy to see me through each and every moment of every day.
Psalm 105.1-4; Zechariah 9.12
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Prayer: My Circumstances & My Days
Ah Lord, God, I give You my circumstances and my days; may I live for You and Your purposes. Bring all the deep regions of my heart and mind into harmony with Your plans and purposes. Lay Your hand upon my head, quiet me with Your love. May Your Divine Spirit flow through me; through Your Divine touch bring healing as I wait in silence before You. Move me into a season of joy and gladness, a place of cheer, love and truth. I will gladly testify to others of the good things You have done, and praise Your holy Name.
Psalm 104.1-2; Zechariah 8.19
Psalm 104.1-2; Zechariah 8.19
Friday, September 28, 2007
Prayer: Transform & Transfix
O Lord, transform me and transfix me with Your gaze. May I walk with confidence in You and find peace and rest that no other one can give. I bless You, O my Lord, with all that is in within me, I bless Your holy Name. I call to mind all Your benefits and re-play them over and over in my mind so that I do not forget them: You forgive me of all those things I try to do in my own strength without seeking You, You heal all my diseases, You redeem my life from destruction, You crown me with steadfast love and mercy, You satisfy my mouth with good things and renew my youth like an eagle's. In thankfulness, may I render true judgments, show kindness and mercy, respect those who are marginalized and oppressed, and live with a clear conscience toward all.
Psalm 103.1-5; Zechariah 7.5, 9-10
Psalm 103.1-5; Zechariah 7.5, 9-10
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Prayer: Answer Me Speedily
Lord God, may Your government increase and may Your peace reign and have no end; start here in my own heart, O Lord. I submit to Your governance in all my affairs. I call upon Your waiting, loving, longing heart by claiming Your help, guidance and miracle-working power. I lift my face to You, My Lord. My voice cries out to You. I incline my ear to You and await Your answer. Answer me speedily in the day I call. I put my hope in You.
Isaiah 9.7; Psalm 102.1-2; Zechariah 6.15
Isaiah 9.7; Psalm 102.1-2; Zechariah 6.15
Monday, September 24, 2007
Prayer: Preparation is Not Suddenly Accomplished
Preparation is not suddenly accomplished...
Lord, each day, each moment, may I be prepared to meet You and do Your work Your way.
Preparation is a process steadily maintained.
You have prepared me my whole life through for where I am today at this moment in time. May I be an ever faithful disciple, ever following, ever prepared for the next step in my journey.
Let My Word control all your life.
You, O Lord, have the Words of Life.
See I have taken your guilt away from you, and will clothe you with festal apparel.
I am as a brand plucked from the fire. May I be the aroma of life to those around me, O gracious Lord. Thank You for choosing to clothe me in robes of righteousness. You alone, O Lord, are worthy to receive all glory and honor and praise.
Zechariah 3.4
Lord, each day, each moment, may I be prepared to meet You and do Your work Your way.
Preparation is a process steadily maintained.
You have prepared me my whole life through for where I am today at this moment in time. May I be an ever faithful disciple, ever following, ever prepared for the next step in my journey.
Let My Word control all your life.
You, O Lord, have the Words of Life.
See I have taken your guilt away from you, and will clothe you with festal apparel.
I am as a brand plucked from the fire. May I be the aroma of life to those around me, O gracious Lord. Thank You for choosing to clothe me in robes of righteousness. You alone, O Lord, are worthy to receive all glory and honor and praise.
Zechariah 3.4
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Prayer: Kingdom Priorities
O Lord, I sing a new song to You, for You have done marvelous things. You are a wall of fire about me, You are my Glory, and the Lifter of my Head. I draw near to You; draw near to me, O faithful God. May I not cling to my life as something of value; teach me Kingdom priorities. May I finish the course You have set for me and testify to all of the good news of Your grace.
Leviticus 11.45; Psalm 98.1; Zechariah 2.4; Acts 20.24
Leviticus 11.45; Psalm 98.1; Zechariah 2.4; Acts 20.24
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Prayer: Yours to Obey
Ah, Lord God, I pray for those of Your people who are in danger. Guard their lives; rescue them from the hand of the wicked. May Your clouds of darkness surround and protect them. May Your righteousness and justice prevail. Consume their adversaries on each side.
I am Yours to obey; may I become a faithful intercessor and choose ever to company with Christ.
Psalm 97.2-3, 10; Zechariah 1.3; Acts 19.15
I am Yours to obey; may I become a faithful intercessor and choose ever to company with Christ.
Psalm 97.2-3, 10; Zechariah 1.3; Acts 19.15
Friday, September 21, 2007
Prayer: Occupied
You, O Lord, formed me from the womb to be Your servant. May I ever be aware of You and Your purposes. You, O Lord, chose me! How incredible! May I be occupied with Your business. May I sing a new song of thanks for You, O Lord, have done marvelous things. Great are You, Lord and greatly to be praised. I place You in the highest place -- above all else.
Isaiah 49.5; Haggai 2.19,23; Psalm 96.1,4; Acts 18.5
Isaiah 49.5; Haggai 2.19,23; Psalm 96.1,4; Acts 18.5
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Prayer: Divine Characteristics
Ah, Holy Spirit, transform me within so that I exhibit Divine characteristics, not just good human characteristics. In all I do, may I bring glory and honor to You. You, O Lord, are good. Your mercy is everlasting and Your truth endures for all generations. I worship and bow down before You, my Maker. I kneel before You, O Gentle Shepherd, and open my heart to receive Your Word. May I be willing to examine my heart and life against Your Scriptures. You have allotted the time of my existence and the boundaries of the places where I live so that I might know You more fully. It is in You that I live and move and have my being. You, O God are the God of my praise.
Psalm 100.5; Psalm 95. 6-8; Haggai 1.7; Acts 17.11, 26-28
Psalm 100.5; Psalm 95. 6-8; Haggai 1.7; Acts 17.11, 26-28
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Prayer: Cheering My Soul
O Lord God, I seek to uphold Your honor in my bodily life and to remain ever loyal to You. When my cares are many, O Lord, may Your consolations cheer my soul. Strengthen my heart and my weak hands. Quiet me with Your love. Grant me an ear to hear You rejoice as You sing over me. Change my shame into praise. Open my heart to eagerly listen to all You say.
Psalm 94.19; Zephaniah 3.15-20; Acts 16.14
Psalm 94.19; Zephaniah 3.15-20; Acts 16.14
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Prayer: Embracing Humility
Thank You for calling me the apple of Your eye, for hiding me under the shadow of Your wings. May I hold precious that which You have put in me by means of regeneration. I seek You, O Lord. I come to You in humility. I embrace the humility that is found in Christ Jesus, my Lord. May the words of my mouth encourage and strengthen believers.
Hebrews 4.15; Psalm 17.8; Zephaniah 2.3; Acts 15.32
Hebrews 4.15; Psalm 17.8; Zephaniah 2.3; Acts 15.32
Monday, September 17, 2007
Prayer: Pour Over Me Fresh Oil
Ah, Lord God, there are no short-cuts to intimacy with You. Lead me, O God. Teach me to abide. Forgive me when I step out on my own. Pour over me fresh oil. May I flourish like the palm trees in the house of the Lord; like the cedars of Lebanon. May I still produce fruit in old age. You, O Lord, are my Rock. There is no unrighteousness in You. May I turn from worthless things and seek Your face.
Your great day is near, it is hastening fast. The sound in the earth right now is bitter; it is full of distress and anguish, devastation and gloom. At times, O Lord, Your face seems hidden in clouds of unknowing and thick darkness. May I be one who speaks Your Word boldly and testifies to the Words of Your grace.
Psalm 92.10, 12-15; Zephaniah 1; Acts 14.3,15
Your great day is near, it is hastening fast. The sound in the earth right now is bitter; it is full of distress and anguish, devastation and gloom. At times, O Lord, Your face seems hidden in clouds of unknowing and thick darkness. May I be one who speaks Your Word boldly and testifies to the Words of Your grace.
Psalm 92.10, 12-15; Zephaniah 1; Acts 14.3,15
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Prayer: An Eternal Effectual Way
Lord God, may I learn to pray about, to ask for, those things that are in keeping with Your will and Your revealed character. May I learn to do things not in "fits and starts", but in an eternal effectual way. Fill me with Your quietness and assurance. May I live in Your shadow and trust You in all, even when the fig tree does not bloom, when the fruit does not set, and when we are cut off from the fold. May I always be able to recognize You and call to mind the words of the prophets and find in them Your Voice and Your promises. You, O Lord, are my Hope and Strength. You, O Lord, are the Author and the Finisher of my faith. I place my hand in Yours; lead on, O King Eternal.
Isaiah 32.17; Psalm 91; Habakkuk 3.17-19; Acts 13.27
Isaiah 32.17; Psalm 91; Habakkuk 3.17-19; Acts 13.27
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Prayer: No Longer Carrying My Point
My iniquities -- doing things in my own strength -- are set before You. You, O Lord, have shown me that I resort to doing or saying things that will carry my point. Forgive me for blunting my ability to live my utmost for Your highest. Forgive me for trying to promote my own self-interest instead of honoring You. Teach me to know my days so that I may gain a wise heart. Teach me to live by faith, unafraid of what other might say or do.
1 Peter 4.2; 2 Corinthians 4.2; Psalm 90.8,12; Habakkuk 2.4
1 Peter 4.2; 2 Corinthians 4.2; Psalm 90.8,12; Habakkuk 2.4
Friday, September 14, 2007
Prayer: Strife & Contention Arise
Ah, Lord God, may I gain the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus. May my vision be devoted to the Holy Spirit so I may perceive Your Will and be in alignment with Your will as I intercede. Open Your Word to grant me speech to pray for those of Your children around the world in harsh and difficult circumstances and not simply give up in discouragement and defeat.
I call to mind those in Darfur, the Republic of Congo, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Chad, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Soviet Republics, Malaysia, North Korea, Central America, many places, O Lord. I cry out in desperation with your prophet, Habakkuk: O Lord, how long will I cry for help and You will not listen? Or cry to you, 'Violence!" and You will not save? Why do You make me see wrongdoing and look at trouble? Destruction and violence are before me, strife and contention arise. So the law becomes slack and justice never prevails. The wicked surround the righteous, therefore judgment comes forth perverted...O Lord, You have marked them for judgment and You, O Rock, have established them for punishment. Your eyes are too pure to behold evil, and You cannot look on wrongdoing; why do You look on the treacherous, and are silent when the wicked swallow those who are more righteous than they? The enemy captures them all and rejoices and he to continue destroying nations without mercy?
Like Habakkuk I have so many questions. May my orientation be always toward You, O Lord God Almighty. May Your purposes prevail. Strengthen, O Lord, Your people. Strengthen, O Lord, this intercessor. May Your Holy Spirit bring to mind Your Word often throughout the day. May I remain steadfast in prayer and devotion for Your people. You are the King of kings, my everything, and I will adore You. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; may all power, wealth, strength, glory, honor, and blessing be Yours. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Psalm 89.1; Habakkuk 1; Acts 11.16, 23
I call to mind those in Darfur, the Republic of Congo, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Chad, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Soviet Republics, Malaysia, North Korea, Central America, many places, O Lord. I cry out in desperation with your prophet, Habakkuk: O Lord, how long will I cry for help and You will not listen? Or cry to you, 'Violence!" and You will not save? Why do You make me see wrongdoing and look at trouble? Destruction and violence are before me, strife and contention arise. So the law becomes slack and justice never prevails. The wicked surround the righteous, therefore judgment comes forth perverted...O Lord, You have marked them for judgment and You, O Rock, have established them for punishment. Your eyes are too pure to behold evil, and You cannot look on wrongdoing; why do You look on the treacherous, and are silent when the wicked swallow those who are more righteous than they? The enemy captures them all and rejoices and he to continue destroying nations without mercy?
Like Habakkuk I have so many questions. May my orientation be always toward You, O Lord God Almighty. May Your purposes prevail. Strengthen, O Lord, Your people. Strengthen, O Lord, this intercessor. May Your Holy Spirit bring to mind Your Word often throughout the day. May I remain steadfast in prayer and devotion for Your people. You are the King of kings, my everything, and I will adore You. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; may all power, wealth, strength, glory, honor, and blessing be Yours. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Psalm 89.1; Habakkuk 1; Acts 11.16, 23
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Prayer: An Aspiration for Unbroken Communion
Lord God, Almighty, Your Name is as an ointment poured forth. May I pour out this Balm of Gilead all throughout the day. Let my prayers come before You, incline Your ear to my cries for others living in darkness and pain. May this day be a turning point for me in my prayer life. I aspire for unbroken communion with You, my God.
Song of Solomon 1.3; Psalm 88.2; Acts 10.2
Song of Solomon 1.3; Psalm 88.2; Acts 10.2
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Prayer: Your Kingdom Come
Lord God, there have been points of time on this journey where I have experienced spiritual confusion, clouds of unknowing, darkness, hidden preparation. Even when I cannot see my way, may I not question the Way You take, but realize that You have larger purposes at stake about which I may not know. On the other side of those times, I plainly see that Your Truth could not be gained in any other way. May my desire always be for Your Kingdom; to find that Kingdom, to serve Your Kingdom purposes. Grant a single eye, desiring nothing less than Your Kingdom come. I trust that all my fresh springs are in You. I choose to wait on You in times confusion, continuing to live in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of Your Holy Spirit, devoted to good works and acts of charity; trusting in Your timing and purposes.
Matthew 6.33; Exodus 40.38; Psalm 87.7; Acts 9.31,36
Matthew 6.33; Exodus 40.38; Psalm 87.7; Acts 9.31,36
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Prayer: Running Steadily in the Little Ways
Lord God, may I be one who runs steadily in the little ways, so I am ready in times of crisis. May I value my connection to You, my True Vine. Teach me Your Way, O Lord, that I may walk in Your Truth. Grant, I pray, an undivided heart that I may revere Your Name. Turn to me, and be gracious to me. Grant strength to Your servant. May I see You even in the midst of the whirlwind and storm. May Your Holy Spirit guide me into all Truth; grant understanding and application to that which I read in Your Word.
Exodus 39.30; Psalm 86, 11, 16; Nahum 1.3; Acts 8.30-31
Exodus 39.30; Psalm 86, 11, 16; Nahum 1.3; Acts 8.30-31
Monday, September 10, 2007
Prayer: The Hidden, Worshipping Life of the Saint
Lord God, may I be ever willing to enter into the hidden close of prayer and worship; ever ready to stand apart from the world. Let me hear what You, O Lord, will speak. I turn to You, O Faithful God, with my whole heart. I look to You; I wait for the God of my Salvation. Hear Me, O God. Shepherd Your people with Your staff. Shepherd, lead, feed us as in the days of old. Show us marvelous things. May I be devoted to prayer and serving the Word, and may I be found to be a faithful servant, O Master.
Psalm 85.8; Micah 7.7,14-15; Acts 6.4
Psalm 85.8; Micah 7.7,14-15; Acts 6.4
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Prayer: Withhold No Good Thing
Lord God, may I learn to live very near You, basking in Your love and grace, soaking it up so it becomes a very part of me. May I, in turn, radiate that same love and grace to all those around me. You are my sun and shield; no good thing do You withhold. You require the same of me; to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with You. May I choose to walk in obedience to You rather than conforming to the world around me.
2 Corinthians 10.5; 2 Corinthians 2.14; Psalm 84.11; Micah 6.8; Acts 5.29
2 Corinthians 10.5; 2 Corinthians 2.14; Psalm 84.11; Micah 6.8; Acts 5.29
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Prayer: A Companion of Jesus
Father God, I accept the task of turning my natural life into a spiritual life. May I become more and more aware of my moral choices and how they effect my spiritual growth. I cast down vain imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against You; teach me to walk in Your ways. Stir my heart and Spirit, O God, so that I may be recognized by others as a companion of Jesus.
2 Corinthians 10.5; Deuteronomy 5.33; Exodus 35.21; Micah 5.7; Acts 4.13, 29
2 Corinthians 10.5; Deuteronomy 5.33; Exodus 35.21; Micah 5.7; Acts 4.13, 29
Eternal Life,
Friday, September 7, 2007
Prayer: Keep Right at the Source
You, O Lord, are my strong refuge. May I keep right at the Source, so I may be a wonder to many and You may receive all the glory, praise and honor due You. Take me as Your inheritance, so everyone around me may see Your good work in and through me. May I give justice to the weak and the orphan, maintain the right of the destitute and lowly; may I rescue the weak and the needy. May I walk in the Name of the Lord forever and ever. Send, O God, Your times of refreshing to this dry, parched, weary land.
Psalm 71.7; Exodus 34.9-10; Micah 4.5; Acts 3.19-20
Psalm 71.7; Exodus 34.9-10; Micah 4.5; Acts 3.19-20
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Prayer: Walk in Hope
Lord Jesus Christ, You are my Glorious Source. May I keep myself right with You so Living Water flows from You through me. Thank You for being a personal, intimate God, who knows me by name and who knows my every thought. Thank You for hearing my cry. May I find favor and awe in Your sight. May I hear Your voice clearly and not make simplistic demands on You. May I teach others those truths and may I do it effectively. I open wide my mouth and my heart. I open them, O God, to You. Fill me with Your Power and Spirit, grant justice and might. May Your Spirit gift me with the ability to do faithfully whatever task You assign. May I walk always in Your hope.
John 7.38; Exodus 33.12; Psalm 81.5-10; Micah 3.8; Acts 2.4; 25-26
John 7.38; Exodus 33.12; Psalm 81.5-10; Micah 3.8; Acts 2.4; 25-26
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Prayer: Impatient with Time & Season
Lord God, May I be willing to watch with You through the revelation of Your Word and in the circumstances of my life. May I not be conformed to the world's way of thinking, but be willing to constantly transform my thinking by the renewing power of Your Spirit and Word. May I be found on the Lord's side, strong in Your Power and Spirit. May I not get impatient with Your time or season, but wait on Your Spirit to come with power.
Matthew 26.40; Romans 12.2; Exodus 32.26; Psalm 80.17; Micah 2.12; Acts 1.7, 8
Matthew 26.40; Romans 12.2; Exodus 32.26; Psalm 80.17; Micah 2.12; Acts 1.7, 8
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Prayer: Carry Out Your Enterprises
Ah, Lord God, May I be entirely Yours and allow You to carry out Your enterprises through me. I am so tired, so weary; I must look to You for all. You have called me by name; fill me with Your Spirit, with the needed ability, intelligence and knowledge. Sanctify me, O Lord, to be a faithful steward of Your Word. You know everything, O Lord, You know that I love You. May I be a servant of Your church.
Teach me, O God, to be a faithful intercessor for the persecuted church. Let the groans of the prisoners come before You, O Lord. According to Your great power, preserve those who are doomed to die.
Exodus 31.2, 3, 13; Psalm 27.11; John 21.17
Teach me, O God, to be a faithful intercessor for the persecuted church. Let the groans of the prisoners come before You, O Lord. According to Your great power, preserve those who are doomed to die.
Exodus 31.2, 3, 13; Psalm 27.11; John 21.17
Monday, September 3, 2007
Prayer: Generations to Come
Lord God, grant I pray, a steadfast heart and a faithful spirit. May I not be stubborn and rebellious. Fill my memory and my mouth with Your wonderful works so I may tell them to my children and the generations to come so they may set their hope in You. You, O God, are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Thank You for being the God of my Salvation.
Psalm 78.6-8; Jonah 4.2; John 19.42
Psalm 78.6-8; Jonah 4.2; John 19.42
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Prayer: Unseen Footprints

Father God, I come to You as a trusting child, seeking You and a time of refreshing. May Your Living Waters flow through me. May I not be set on any particular economy here below, but simply abandon myself to the flow of You and Your Kingdom. Grant eyes to see Your marvels unfolding all around me. Your wonders are beyond what I could ask or think; truly a beautiful garden of hope. May I water this garden of delight carefully with a grateful, generous spirit and a loving heart.
I recognize You as my Shepherd King, who brought me out of Egypt with a mighty hand. You brought me out of the dry, stark, weary places to a land of beauty and delight. Your Way, O God is holy. What God is so great as You? Your Way was through the sea; Your path through the mighty waters; yet Your footprints were unseen. Only looking back do I see Your gentle leading. Grant eyes to see and a listening ear ever attuned to Your Voice, Your leading on the Way.
John 18.37; John 20.28; Exodus 29.46; Psalm 77.13, 19; Jonah 3.10
I recognize You as my Shepherd King, who brought me out of Egypt with a mighty hand. You brought me out of the dry, stark, weary places to a land of beauty and delight. Your Way, O God is holy. What God is so great as You? Your Way was through the sea; Your path through the mighty waters; yet Your footprints were unseen. Only looking back do I see Your gentle leading. Grant eyes to see and a listening ear ever attuned to Your Voice, Your leading on the Way.
John 18.37; John 20.28; Exodus 29.46; Psalm 77.13, 19; Jonah 3.10
Eternal Life,
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Prayer: Without a Shadow Between
Immanuel, God-With-Us, the Name above all names. May this Name be a reality in my life.
You call me to be holy, O Lord, even as You are holy. Through the Atonement of Your Son, Jesus Christ, put me into perfect union with You, without a shadow between. You, O God called me. I call out to You to complete that which You started within me. I with the voice of thanksgiving sacrifice my life to You. Lord, I want to know You and make You known. May I be known as one who loves and lives Your Word, Your Truth.
1 Peter 1.16; Isaiah 48.12; Jonah 2; John 17
You call me to be holy, O Lord, even as You are holy. Through the Atonement of Your Son, Jesus Christ, put me into perfect union with You, without a shadow between. You, O God called me. I call out to You to complete that which You started within me. I with the voice of thanksgiving sacrifice my life to You. Lord, I want to know You and make You known. May I be known as one who loves and lives Your Word, Your Truth.
1 Peter 1.16; Isaiah 48.12; Jonah 2; John 17
Eternal Life,
Friday, August 31, 2007
Prayer: The Full Flood of My Life
May I come to fully know the full flood of my life, the Living Water springing up within me, is not dependent on my bodily heath, not in external happenings, not in seeing successful service; but in the perfect understanding of You, O God, and being in communion with You, even as Christ was in His time here on earth. May I no longer allow the cares of this world to choke out Your Word in me. I give thanks to You, O God. I give thanks for Your Name is near. You are Jehovah-Shammah, the God Who is There and Is Not Silent. Thank You for sparing me a thought.
Thank You for forgiving us and reconciling us to Yourself. Give us a reciprocal compassion on all those around us. Guide us by Your Spirit into all Truth. Thank You for reminding me that I will have pain, but it will be turned to joy. I cling to You and the promises of Your Word. You, O Lord, are my Strength, the Strength of my Heart, and my Joy forever. Amen.
John 15.11; Psalm 75.1-2; Jonah 1.6; John 16.13, 20
Thank You for forgiving us and reconciling us to Yourself. Give us a reciprocal compassion on all those around us. Guide us by Your Spirit into all Truth. Thank You for reminding me that I will have pain, but it will be turned to joy. I cling to You and the promises of Your Word. You, O Lord, are my Strength, the Strength of my Heart, and my Joy forever. Amen.
John 15.11; Psalm 75.1-2; Jonah 1.6; John 16.13, 20
Eternal Life,
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Prayer: No Mean Thought of Heart
Rightly related. Abiding. In You. May I remember that where I find myself, I have been put there by You. May my reactions in those circumstances fulfill Your purposes. You are my King from of old; work Your salvation in the earth. May I have no mean thought in my heart; remembering Your law of retribution, that You will return to me the deeds I have done to others. I choose love, generosity, life, abiding. Apart from You, I can of my own self do nothing. I cling to You, My Vine, and thus bear eternal fruit.
Luke 6.38; Psalm 74.12; Obadiah 15; John 15.5
Luke 6.38; Psalm 74.12; Obadiah 15; John 15.5
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Prayer: Life as an Offering
I bring my heart and my life as an offering to You, O Lord. Come and fill my heart with Your peace. You alone, O God, are worthy. There is nothing on earth that I desire more than You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but You, O God, are the strength of my heart. Send Your Holy Spirit to teach me everything and to call to mind all You have said. Prompt my heart to give to You, my All in All.
Proverbs 8.10; Exodus 25.1; Psalm 73.25-26; John 14.1, 25-27
Proverbs 8.10; Exodus 25.1; Psalm 73.25-26; John 14.1, 25-27
Eternal Life,
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Prayer: Nourish the Sacred Life

Ah, Lord God, I have been born from above. May I learn to nourish this sacred life through prayer and worship. May I choose to live a life of continuous service, a life of power and joy. May I be a servant of Your people.
O Lord, I pray for the poor, the weak, the needy, the despised of this world. Have mercy, O God. Have pity on the weak and the needy. Redeem their lives. Hear, O God, the blood of the innocents crying out to You from the cold hard ground.
Truly we live in a time of famine of Your Word. So many people need a fresh Word from You and don't even realize it. Stir their hearts, O Living Word. Make me a person of Your Word. Bless me not only in the hearing and understanding of Your Word, but also in the sharing. Make me a servant willing to wash the feet of those around me. Wash me with the pure water of Your Word, O Lord, and make me clean. Amen.
Psalm 72.13-14; Amos 8.11-12; John 13.14-17
Eternal Life,
Monday, August 27, 2007
Prayer: In Quietness & Confidence
Quiet. Confidence. Strength. Healing.
Lead me, O God, in Your paths of righteousness.
Guard me on the Way.
Do not forsake me when my strength is spent;
Do not cast me off in the time of old age.
May I be as a grain of wheat;
Willing to fall to the ground and die
So that I may bear much fruit.
Isaiah 30.15; Psalm 23.3; Exodus 23.13, 20, 25; Psalm 71.9; John 12.24
Lead me, O God, in Your paths of righteousness.
Guard me on the Way.
Do not forsake me when my strength is spent;
Do not cast me off in the time of old age.
May I be as a grain of wheat;
Willing to fall to the ground and die
So that I may bear much fruit.
Isaiah 30.15; Psalm 23.3; Exodus 23.13, 20, 25; Psalm 71.9; John 12.24
Eternal Life,
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Prayer: Come & Fill My Heart with Your Peace
Inner peace is impossible unless it is received from Jesus Christ.
Come and fill my heart with Your peace.
Trials and troubles cannot do more than work My will.
Come and fill my heart with Your peace.
New life is opening out before you. Trust and go forward unafraid.
Father, I thank You for having heard me. Come and fill my heart with Your peace.
(John 11.33-41)
Come and fill my heart with Your peace.
Trials and troubles cannot do more than work My will.
Come and fill my heart with Your peace.
New life is opening out before you. Trust and go forward unafraid.
Father, I thank You for having heard me. Come and fill my heart with Your peace.
(John 11.33-41)
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Prayer: Your Molding Influence
O Lord, I delight to do Your will. Slowly and surely Your molding influence has begun in me and it will surely tell over time that I am my Beloved's and You are mine. I breathe in Your Spirit. Replenish and renew my Spirit within. I seek You so I may truly live; You, O Lord are the source of my life.
(Exodus 21.6; Psalm 69.13-16, 30; Amos 5.4, 24; John 10.3, 10, 28)
(Exodus 21.6; Psalm 69.13-16, 30; Amos 5.4, 24; John 10.3, 10, 28)
Friday, August 24, 2007
Prayer: Turn Up the Index
Lord God, may I be willing to turn up the index and see if I am rightly related to You and to others. May I be ready and willing for Your will to be done, no matter the cost. You, O Lord, are the God of my salvation. Daily You bear me up. Cause Your name to be remembered where I go so Your blessings may be shared with all around me. You who form the mountains and create the wind, reveal Your thoughts to me. I am one who is as a firebrand snatched from the fire; I return to You, O Lord, for You are the God of my salvation. I worship You and seek to obey You in all things, rather than man. Hear my prayer, O Lord. Amen
(Daniel 3.17; Exodus 20.24; Psalm 68.19; Amos 4.11,13; John 9.31)
(Daniel 3.17; Exodus 20.24; Psalm 68.19; Amos 4.11,13; John 9.31)
Eternal Life,
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Prayer: Fling the Door Wide Open

Lord God, from my first waking moment of each day, may I fling the door of my heart wide open to You so my public life is filled with Your Presence.
You, O Lord, are my strength. You bore me up on eagles' wings and brought me to You. Pour out Your grace upon me. May I cultivate an ever-listening ear attuned to Your gentle voice and a heart that quickly obeys. Thank You for calling me Your treasured possession.
Be gracious unto me, bless me, and make Your face to shine upon me and grant me Your peace. May I be bathed in Your Word and become known as Your disciple. Fill my heart and life with Your truth and the enduring freedom of Your love. Amen.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Prayer: Saturation

The task is too heavy for you; you cannot do it alone.
You, O God, have tested us; You have tried us as silver is tried. You laid burdens on our backs; yet You have brought us out to a spacious place, to a saturation. . . Blessed by God, because You have not rejected my prayer or removed Your steadfast love from me.
Out of your heart shall flow rivers of Living Water.
(Exodus 18.18; Psalm 66.10-12, 20; John 7.38)
You, O God, have tested us; You have tried us as silver is tried. You laid burdens on our backs; yet You have brought us out to a spacious place, to a saturation. . . Blessed by God, because You have not rejected my prayer or removed Your steadfast love from me.
Out of your heart shall flow rivers of Living Water.
(Exodus 18.18; Psalm 66.10-12, 20; John 7.38)
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Prayer: Clipped Wings Can Grow Again

Lord God, my Healer, I thank You for the hope that I have found in You. Thank You that clipped wings can grown again, broken voices can regain a strength and beauty unknown before. Worn out, tired, pain-weary as I may be, You, O God, say that You can make all things new. May Your promise be fulfilled. You, O Lord, are my Banner. I take hold of Your promise and lift it high.
O You who answer prayer! To You all flesh shall come. No one can come to You unless drawn by the Father...draw, O God, so we may be taught by You. Amen
Exodus 17.5; Psalm 65.2; John 6.44-45
O You who answer prayer! To You all flesh shall come. No one can come to You unless drawn by the Father...draw, O God, so we may be taught by You. Amen
Exodus 17.5; Psalm 65.2; John 6.44-45
Monday, August 20, 2007
Prayer: Christ Consciousness
Grant, I pray, Christ-consciousness. May I become so one with You that I no longer have to ask for You to show me Your will, for I will actually be Your will through that oneness. May I throw away all that is not important on this journey. Rain bread from heaven down upon me, O Lord of Life. I come to You with all my heart. Be gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. I praise You, O God, for restoring those years that the locusts have eaten. You, O God have dealt wonderously with me. On my own I can do nothing. May I seek not to do my own will, but may I do the works that You have given me to complete. May the very works that I do testify on my behalf that You have sent me. Amen (Exodus 16.4,21; Joel 2.12-13, 25-26; John 5.30, 36)
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Prayer: Spiritual Leakage
Lord God, may I become more and more aware of spiritual leakage, the dividing up of my life, my time, my circumstances, that causes me to split up my oneness with You. May I more and more open my heart and life to You and be filled with Your Divine strength and power. Who is like You, O God, majestic in holiness, awesome in splendor, doing wonders? May I listen to Your voice and obey all that You command. Heal me, O Gracious God, of all my diseases.
O God, You are my God; I seek You, my soul thirsts for You; as in a dry and weary land where there is no soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, my mouth praises You with joyful lips when I think of You on my bed, and meditate on You in the watches of the night; for You have been my help and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me. Do not let my joy in You wither or fade.
May I be a true worshipper; one who worships You in spirit and in truth. Thank You for allowing me to reap on Your behalf; reaping that for which others have labored. You are generous beyond measure, O Lord. Amen (Exodus 15.11, 26; Psalm 63.1,5-8; Joel 1.12; John 4.23-24; 38)
O God, You are my God; I seek You, my soul thirsts for You; as in a dry and weary land where there is no soul is satisfied as with a rich feast, my mouth praises You with joyful lips when I think of You on my bed, and meditate on You in the watches of the night; for You have been my help and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me. Do not let my joy in You wither or fade.
May I be a true worshipper; one who worships You in spirit and in truth. Thank You for allowing me to reap on Your behalf; reaping that for which others have labored. You are generous beyond measure, O Lord. Amen (Exodus 15.11, 26; Psalm 63.1,5-8; Joel 1.12; John 4.23-24; 38)
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Prayer: Rejoicing in the Little Stones In the Way
It is not the Way, but the loving rejoicing in the Way and the Guidance that matters with my disciples. You are ready for the Guidance, but you do not rejoice as you should in the little daily stones in the Way.
O Lord, may I rejoice simply to be in the Way, and go out boldly wherever You lead.
Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the deliverance that comes from My hand. Trust and be still.
For You alone my soul waits in silence; from you comes my salvation. You are my fortress, I shall never be shaken. For You alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from You. You alone are my Rock and my Salvation, my Fortress; I shall not be shaken. On You, O God, rests my deliverance and my honor. May I trust in You at all times.
Return to the Lord Your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity. Take words with you and return to the Lord and say, 'Take away all guilt.'
Thank You for Your mercy. Grant Your Spirit without measure, O God. May I serve you by becoming less so that Christ becomes more in the lives of others around me.
(Exodus 14.8; Psalm 62.1-2, 5-8; Hosea 14.1-2; John 3.34-35)
O Lord, may I rejoice simply to be in the Way, and go out boldly wherever You lead.
Do not be afraid. Stand still and see the deliverance that comes from My hand. Trust and be still.
For You alone my soul waits in silence; from you comes my salvation. You are my fortress, I shall never be shaken. For You alone my soul waits in silence, for my hope is from You. You alone are my Rock and my Salvation, my Fortress; I shall not be shaken. On You, O God, rests my deliverance and my honor. May I trust in You at all times.
Return to the Lord Your God, for you have stumbled because of your iniquity. Take words with you and return to the Lord and say, 'Take away all guilt.'
Thank You for Your mercy. Grant Your Spirit without measure, O God. May I serve you by becoming less so that Christ becomes more in the lives of others around me.
(Exodus 14.8; Psalm 62.1-2, 5-8; Hosea 14.1-2; John 3.34-35)
Friday, August 17, 2007
Prayer: Beside You There is No Savior
Ah, Lord God, thank You for taking notice of Your people and their plight. Hear the cry of Your people. O God, listen to their prayers and lead them to the Rock. You, O Lord, are a refuge and a strong tower. We know no God but You; beside You, there is not Savior. Open the eyes of Your people to Your Truth. Amen (Exodus 13.9; Psalm 61.1-3; Hosea 13.4; John 2.5)
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Prayer: Grace Upon Grace
Ah, Lord God, from Your fullness I have received grace upon grace. Thank You for Your love. Thank You for Your favor. May I hold fast to love and justice. May I learn to wait continually for Your guidance. You, O Lord, are my Physician, the Healer of my body and mind, my Glorious Source. I Look to You for cure, for rest, for peace. Amen (Exodus 12.36; Hosea 12.6; John 1.6)
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Prayer: Do All As I Say
You have received My nature; now live under My rule.
Lord God, take me up in Your arms, lead me with words of love, lift me tenderly up to Your cheek. Let Your nature infuse me.
Do all as I say.
Lord, open my mind to Your Scriptures. Grant, I pray, a confident, courageous heart.
(Hosea 10.3-4; Luke 24.38-45)
Lord God, take me up in Your arms, lead me with words of love, lift me tenderly up to Your cheek. Let Your nature infuse me.
Do all as I say.
Lord, open my mind to Your Scriptures. Grant, I pray, a confident, courageous heart.
(Hosea 10.3-4; Luke 24.38-45)
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Prayer: O My Strength
You are not where you thought you were on this journey.
Forgive me, Lord. Fill me with Your Living Water; flush out all that is stagnant, impure, bitter. Wash me with Your healing waters.
Joyous Life, Powerful Life, Eternal Life are granted to you.
O My Strength, I will watch for You; for You, O God are my Fortress. My God in His steadfast love will meet me...I will sing of Your might. I will sing aloud for Your steadfast love in the morning. For You have been a fortress for me and a refuge in my day of distress. O My Strength, I will sing praises to You, for You, O God are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.
Sow for yourself righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord; that He may come and rain righteousness upon you.
Father, into your hands. . . I wait expectantly for Your Kingdom.
(Hebrews 12.5; John 4.13-14; Psalm 59.9-10; 16-17; Hosea 9; Luke 23.46)
Forgive me, Lord. Fill me with Your Living Water; flush out all that is stagnant, impure, bitter. Wash me with Your healing waters.
Joyous Life, Powerful Life, Eternal Life are granted to you.
O My Strength, I will watch for You; for You, O God are my Fortress. My God in His steadfast love will meet me...I will sing of Your might. I will sing aloud for Your steadfast love in the morning. For You have been a fortress for me and a refuge in my day of distress. O My Strength, I will sing praises to You, for You, O God are my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love.
Sow for yourself righteousness; reap steadfast love; break up your fallow ground; for it is time to seek the Lord; that He may come and rain righteousness upon you.
Father, into your hands. . . I wait expectantly for Your Kingdom.
(Hebrews 12.5; John 4.13-14; Psalm 59.9-10; 16-17; Hosea 9; Luke 23.46)
Monday, August 13, 2007
Prayer: Spirit Ways
Quench not My Spirit.
How do I know if I am quenching Your Spirit, O God?
My Spirit speaks in the most extraordinarily gentle ways. If you are not sensitive enough to hear My Voice you will quench it.
Ah, Lord God, I still my soul. I rest before You. Open my ear that I may hear. Pass me not, O gentle Savior.
Do not compare your training to that of others. Listen. Listen.
I wait before You, Father; not my will but Thine.
How do I know if I am quenching Your Spirit, O God?
My Spirit speaks in the most extraordinarily gentle ways. If you are not sensitive enough to hear My Voice you will quench it.
Ah, Lord God, I still my soul. I rest before You. Open my ear that I may hear. Pass me not, O gentle Savior.
Do not compare your training to that of others. Listen. Listen.
I wait before You, Father; not my will but Thine.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Prayer: Refuge from Destroying Storms
On whom do you rely in a crisis?
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in You my soul takes refuge, in the shadow of Your wings I take refuge, until the destroying storms pass. I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me.
(Exodus 8.9; Psalm 57.1-2)
Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in You my soul takes refuge, in the shadow of Your wings I take refuge, until the destroying storms pass. I cry to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me.
(Exodus 8.9; Psalm 57.1-2)
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Prayer: Count All My Tossings
Look ever up to Me and I will be your sure aid.
O Most High, when I am afraid, I put my trust in You. You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in a bottle. Are they not in Your record?
O Most High, when I am afraid, I put my trust in You. You have kept count of my tossings; put my tears in a bottle. Are they not in Your record?
Indeed. No cry is unheard; every tear is precious. Rest, my child, be at peace. All is in My hands.
(Exodus 7.2; Psalm 50.2,8)Friday, August 10, 2007
Prayer: Come Like Rain that Waters the Earth
Listen, my child, do not let your circumstances, your brokenness keep you from hearing My voice.
May I press on to know You, O Lord. Come like showers, like the spring rains that water the earth.
To all who have, more will be given.
Let Your mercy drops fall all around us, O God; send Your showers of blessing.
(Exodus 6.9; Psalm 55.22; Hosea 6.1,3; Luke 19.26)
May I press on to know You, O Lord. Come like showers, like the spring rains that water the earth.
To all who have, more will be given.
Let Your mercy drops fall all around us, O God; send Your showers of blessing.
(Exodus 6.9; Psalm 55.22; Hosea 6.1,3; Luke 19.26)
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Prayer: Dig Down Deep
Dig down deep into the soil of the Kingdom.
Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.
As you come into contact with the ordinary occurrences of life, is the prayer of My Eternal Son to His Father being prayed in you?
Surely, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.
Pray always, do not lose heart; cry out day and night for justice.
May I be found faithful in prayer. God be merciful to me, a sinner!
(Psalm 54.2,4; Hosea 5.4; Luke 18.1,7-8,13)
Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.
As you come into contact with the ordinary occurrences of life, is the prayer of My Eternal Son to His Father being prayed in you?
Surely, God is my helper; the Lord is the upholder of my life.
Pray always, do not lose heart; cry out day and night for justice.
May I be found faithful in prayer. God be merciful to me, a sinner!
(Psalm 54.2,4; Hosea 5.4; Luke 18.1,7-8,13)
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Prayer: The Kingdom of God Within
What was true fo the Virgin Birth in the historic introduction of My Son into the world is true in every believer. The Son of God is born into you by the direct act of God. So the question is: if the Son of God is born into your mortal flesh, is His Holy innocence and simpicity and oneness with Me getting a chance to manifest itself in you?
May Your Kingdom be born anew in me, O Lover of my Soul.
You must live face-to-face with Me. Depend on Me moment by moment.
Fill me with knowledge of You. I thirst after Your righteousness. I long for You, O God.
What is that in your hand? . . .Throw it down!
I throw down my self-sufficiency. In You, O God, do I place my trust. Let Your Kingdom come, O God. Start with me.
(Exodus 4.2-3; Psalm 53.2; Hosea 4.1-6; Luke 16.20-21)
May Your Kingdom be born anew in me, O Lover of my Soul.
You must live face-to-face with Me. Depend on Me moment by moment.
Fill me with knowledge of You. I thirst after Your righteousness. I long for You, O God.
What is that in your hand? . . .Throw it down!
I throw down my self-sufficiency. In You, O God, do I place my trust. Let Your Kingdom come, O God. Start with me.
(Exodus 4.2-3; Psalm 53.2; Hosea 4.1-6; Luke 16.20-21)
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Prayer: The Name for All Generations
My order comes in the moments. Are you always in contact with Me? Do you recognize Me as the Reality in the midst of your moments?
May I, like Christ, realize I must be in my Father's house; You in me and I in You.
YHWH. . .This is My Name forever and this is My title for all generations.
Like Moses, may I realize I am standing on holy ground and choose to turn aside and look at this amazing, great sight.
I am the One who creates and sustains the world and acts powerfully in it with loving purpose.
May I trust Your loving purpose, and trust in Your steadfast love forever. May I be planted like a green olive tree in the house of God. In the presence of the faithful I will proclaim Your Name, YHWH, for it is good.
Come in awe to Me and to My goodness.
Faithfully I come, O YHWH. May I continue to be found faithful.
(Luke 2.49; Exodus 3.3; Psalm 52.8,9; Hosea 3.5; Luke 16.10)
May I, like Christ, realize I must be in my Father's house; You in me and I in You.
YHWH. . .This is My Name forever and this is My title for all generations.
Like Moses, may I realize I am standing on holy ground and choose to turn aside and look at this amazing, great sight.
I am the One who creates and sustains the world and acts powerfully in it with loving purpose.
May I trust Your loving purpose, and trust in Your steadfast love forever. May I be planted like a green olive tree in the house of God. In the presence of the faithful I will proclaim Your Name, YHWH, for it is good.
Come in awe to Me and to My goodness.
Faithfully I come, O YHWH. May I continue to be found faithful.
(Luke 2.49; Exodus 3.3; Psalm 52.8,9; Hosea 3.5; Luke 16.10)
Monday, August 6, 2007
Prayer: Allurement
Prayer is perfect and complete oneness with Me. . .be filled with the Spirit.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
I will allure you and bring you to the wilderness and speak tenderly to you and make the Valley of Trouble a Door of Hope. I will take you for my wife forever; I will take you for my wife in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. I will take you for my wife in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord.
Thank You, O God, for being the Shepherd of the lost sheep; for leaving the 99 and going after the one who has gone astray. Thank You for not only searching, but for finding and carrying the poor lost lamb back to the fold with great rejoicing. I rest gently in Your loving arms and listen to your heart beat, knowing that it beats with great love for me.
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
I will allure you and bring you to the wilderness and speak tenderly to you and make the Valley of Trouble a Door of Hope. I will take you for my wife forever; I will take you for my wife in righteousness and in justice, in steadfast love and in mercy. I will take you for my wife in faithfulness and you shall know the Lord.
Thank You, O God, for being the Shepherd of the lost sheep; for leaving the 99 and going after the one who has gone astray. Thank You for not only searching, but for finding and carrying the poor lost lamb back to the fold with great rejoicing. I rest gently in Your loving arms and listen to your heart beat, knowing that it beats with great love for me.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Prayer: Tremendous Triumph
I am working out My purposes; what looks like failure from your point-of-view could be tremendous triumph from My standpoint. Look at the cross of Christ and see this truth.
Ah, Lord God, keep my eyes ever on You; keep my heart trusting in Your purposes.
Your hour of need is the moment I come.
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed. You alone are my praise. You, O Lord are the strength of my heart. I bring to You the sacrifice of praise. I will praise You even when I cannot see Your hand at work around me.
Ah, Lord God, keep my eyes ever on You; keep my heart trusting in Your purposes.
Your hour of need is the moment I come.
Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed. You alone are my praise. You, O Lord are the strength of my heart. I bring to You the sacrifice of praise. I will praise You even when I cannot see Your hand at work around me.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Prayer: God's Big Compelling
Draw into your being more and more of this Eternal Life.
May I be taken up into Your "big compelling".
Seek by constant contact to know Me more and more; You will then be My will.
Gather me under your wings even as a hen gathers her brood.
Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.
May I be taken up into Your "big compelling".
Seek by constant contact to know Me more and more; You will then be My will.
Gather me under your wings even as a hen gathers her brood.
Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.
Friday, August 3, 2007
Prayer: The Gift of the Moments
The gift I prize is the gift of your moments; understanding all is from Me.
May I, like Bernard of Clairvaux, give you all my moments -- even the routine, the mundane.
There is much more to be got as yet.
I praise Your Name, O God, for You know me even better than I know myself. I give all my moments, all my days to You. May I be able to tell the next generation that You are my God, my God forever and ever.
It is My good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
May I be rich toward You, my King and my God.
From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.
(1 Kings 12.24; Psalm 48; Luke 12.21, 48)
May I, like Bernard of Clairvaux, give you all my moments -- even the routine, the mundane.
There is much more to be got as yet.
I praise Your Name, O God, for You know me even better than I know myself. I give all my moments, all my days to You. May I be able to tell the next generation that You are my God, my God forever and ever.
It is My good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.
May I be rich toward You, my King and my God.
From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded.
(1 Kings 12.24; Psalm 48; Luke 12.21, 48)
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Prayer: Seed-Blessing

Greatly beloved, hear the words I speak to you, "Do not fear!"
Almighty God, I set my mind to gain understanding and I humble myself before You.
Do not fear, be strong and courageous. In this world you shall have tribulation, but I have overcome the world.
You, O Lord, are my strength; You have been my Shepherd all my life; You, O Lord, have redeemed me from all harm.
Continue to prepare the soil of your heart to receive My blessing. Yours to prepare, mine to drop the seed-blessing into the prepared soil.
(John 16.3; Job 42.12; psalm 47.4; Luke 11.20, 23)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Prayer: Mouth Shut & Spirit Alert

Still yourself. Open your eyes to wonderful things in My Word. Be alert to what is happening in the world. See My hand in all things.
May I keep my mouth shut and my spirit alert to Your activity in the world around me. Teach me, my God and King, all things in Thee to see, and what I do in anything, to do it all for Thee.
Like Jacob, learn to bless and pray for those around you...even those who would be your enemies.
May I be ever willing to bless those around me. May I not fear those who do not know You. You, O God, are my ever-present Help in times of trouble; therefore, I will not fear though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea; though its waters roar and foam; though the mountains tremble with its tumult.
Be still and know that I am God. I am the Blessed Controller of all things.
Open my eyes, as You did the eyes of Daniel, so that I might perceive those things written in Your Word by Your prophets long ago. Pour out Your grace upon me so I am filled with a spirit of prayer and supplication, ever willing to make confession. You, O Lord,are great and awesome, keeping covenant and steadfast love with those who love You and keep Your commandments. As Your people, O Lord, we have sinned and done wrong, acted wickedly and rebelled, turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. Righteousness is on Your side, O Lord, but open shame, falls on us...because we have sinned against You. To the Lord our God belong mercy and forgiveness, for we have rebelled against You and have not obeyed the voice of the Lord our God...We did not entreat Your favor, turning from our iniquities and reflecting on Your fidelity. We have disobeyed Your voice. O Lord, in view of all Your righteous acts, let Your anger and wrath, we pray, turn away from us...Now, therefore, our God, listen to the prayer of Your servant and to my supplication, and for Your sake, O Lord, let Your face shine upon Your desolated sanctuary. Incline Your ear, O my God and hear. Open Your eyes and see...we do not present our supplication before You on the ground of our righteousness, but on the ground of Your great mercies. O Lord, hear! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, listen and act and do not delay! For Your own sake, O my God, act because Your people bear Your name.
Listen. . .you are greatly beloved! Blessed are the eyes that see what you see and the ears that hear what you hear. Stay alert; be vigilant in prayer.
(Ephesians 2.14; Genesis 47.7.10; Psalm 46.1-3,10; Daniel 9; Luke 10.23-24)
Eternal Life,
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Prayer: Slipshod Bits

When times are difficult, you become a bit slipshod in your relationship with me, a bit distant. Watch the slipshod bits...
Ah, Lord God, it is true. I have been distant with You. Forgive me, Lord. In the midst of trying times, let endurance have its full effect so that I will be mature, complete, lacking in nothing.
When life seems hard and troubles crowd in, then very definitely look for causes of thankfulness.
May I, O God Almighty, learn to praise You no matter the circumstance, knowing You are sovereign, You are in control, You will see me through to the other side.
Hear, O Daughter, consider and incline your ear, I Myself will go down with You and I will also bring you up again.
Ah, Lord God, I want to be known as a follower of You. I want to be covered with the dust of my rabbi as we walk this road together. When I see the storm approaching, remind my heart that You are there, even in the midst of the storm and You will see me through.
(James 1.4; Psalm 45.10; Luke 9.23-25)
Monday, July 30, 2007
Prayer: A Listening Ear

Pay attention to how you listen, my child.
Grant a listening ear in good times, as well as in confusing times. May I bend my ear toward You so that I may hear Your heavenly Voice above the din of the world.
Incline not only your ear, but open your eyes. Can you believe, even when you cannot see?
I see that You have always given provisions for my journey. May I continue to trust You on the Way.
Come to Me, so I can give you not just the good, but the best.
Create, O God, a remembrance of Your steadfast love to which I may hold fast in times of difficulty.
Hear the Word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart and bear fruit with patience. Pay attention to how you listen; for to those who have, more will be given.
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