Ah, Lord God, I have been born from above. May I learn to nourish this sacred life through prayer and worship. May I choose to live a life of continuous service, a life of power and joy. May I be a servant of Your people.
O Lord, I pray for the poor, the weak, the needy, the despised of this world. Have mercy, O God. Have pity on the weak and the needy. Redeem their lives. Hear, O God, the blood of the innocents crying out to You from the cold hard ground.
Truly we live in a time of famine of Your Word. So many people need a fresh Word from You and don't even realize it. Stir their hearts, O Living Word. Make me a person of Your Word. Bless me not only in the hearing and understanding of Your Word, but also in the sharing. Make me a servant willing to wash the feet of those around me. Wash me with the pure water of Your Word, O Lord, and make me clean. Amen.
Psalm 72.13-14; Amos 8.11-12; John 13.14-17
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