I confess that Your mind, O Christ, cannot be obtained by reasoning, or by reading, but only by living with You and sharing Your life.
Walk with Me. . .
Turn, O Lord, save my life; deliver me for the sake of Your steadfast love. Too easily my focus and attention are turned away from You and are captured by mere distractions, worries, pleasures, activities of the day.
By My Word, all things hold together. By My Word, all things exist.
O Lord, You are my All-in-All. Where can I find the strength to praise You? You are greater than all Your works.
To you it has been given to know the secrets, the mysteries, of the Kingdom.
Awesome are You, O Lord, and very great and marvelous in power. I exalt Your Name above all the earth.
To those who have, more will be given and you will have an abundance.
( 1 Peter 2.9; Matthew 11.29; Psalm 6.4; Sirach 43.27-30; Matthew 13.11-12)
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