Wonderful are My ways. . .beyond your knowledge. The wonder of being led by Me; the beauty of the Guided Life.
Forgive me for seeking You only in the "big moments" of my life, O Lord.
I will guide you into all Truth. . .
I will show you things which are to come. . .
Above all, O Most High, direct my way in Truth.
Be rooted and grounded in Me. . .
Lord God, I confess that I am astounded by Your constant leading and guiding. I confess it is often only in looking back on events that I begin to comprehend that You have led me all the way. May I be fruitful for You and Your Kingdom.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit. . .
Nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. . .
You will be known by your fruit. . .
You will be like a tree planted by rivers of Living Water, and you will bear fruit in due season. Your leaf will not wither or fade, and you will bring healing to the nations.
Ah, the beauty of the Guided Life!
I praise You for being My Constant One.
Amen (John 16.13; Sirach 37.15; Matthew 7.18-20, 28-29; Ezekiel 37)
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