Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Prayer: Dreams Give Wings to Fools

Master, where dwellest Thou?

Come & see. . .abide with Me. . .

In the rush and pull of today, I confess that I fail to stay centered on You.

There is no situation in life where you cannot abide. . .

But the world is so loud, so incessant. . .

Be watchful to hear My voice and instantly obey.

Your voice, O Lord, I long to hear...Grant, I pray, a listening Inner ear.

Obedience is your great sign of faith; following all My little injunctions. . .

Grant a willingness to hear and obey the voice of the One I love.

Amend your ways and your doings, obey the Voice of the Lord.

You, O Lord, put wisdom in me and give understanding to my mind.

The senseless have vain and false hopes, and dreams give wings to fools. . .

May I look to You and to Your Word for guidance.

As one who catches at a shadow and pursues the wind, so is anyone who believes in dreams.

O Lord, You only do I worship; You only do I seek.

What is seen in dreams is but a reflection, the likeness of a face looking at itself. . .

O Lord, reveal to me Your holiness. I wait humbly before You, O Eternal One.

From an unclean thing, what can be clean and from something false, what can be true?

You, O Lord, are the Way, the Truth and the Life. I wait before You, calm like a child. Amen

(John 1. 38-39,43; Jeremiah 26.13; Job 38.36; Sirach 34.1-4; Matthew 4.10)

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