Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. . .
Lord Jesus, thank You for laying down Your life for me.
I have called you "friends". . .
May I be willing to lay down my life for You, to stand loyal to You, remembering always that Your honor is at stake in my bodily life.
Seek me early, that is the way to find Me. Early. . .before I get crowded out by daily troubles, difficulties, pleasures. . .
I know You can do all things, O Lord and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. May I delight in You and meditate on Your Word.
Only one who has little business can become wise.
Lord God, I thank you for my illness, my disability, which have slowed me down and helped me to focus on You.
Meditate on My Word day and night and you will be planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season and their leaves do not wither. In all that you do, you will prosper.
Speak Your healing Word, O Lord. Amen (Job 42.2; Psalm 1.2-3; Sirach 38.24; Matthew 8.8)
Lord Jesus, thank You for laying down Your life for me.
I have called you "friends". . .
May I be willing to lay down my life for You, to stand loyal to You, remembering always that Your honor is at stake in my bodily life.
Seek me early, that is the way to find Me. Early. . .before I get crowded out by daily troubles, difficulties, pleasures. . .
I know You can do all things, O Lord and that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. May I delight in You and meditate on Your Word.
Only one who has little business can become wise.
Lord God, I thank you for my illness, my disability, which have slowed me down and helped me to focus on You.
Meditate on My Word day and night and you will be planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in its season and their leaves do not wither. In all that you do, you will prosper.
Speak Your healing Word, O Lord. Amen (Job 42.2; Psalm 1.2-3; Sirach 38.24; Matthew 8.8)
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