Monday, February 19, 2007

Prayer: Arise, Shine!

You, O God have established us in in Christ, anointed us, put Your seal upon us, and given us Your Spirit in our hearts. May we come to fully understand this and be enjoined with You in every detail of our lives. May You carry out by our hands what You have determined. Hallow even those tasks we deem as drudgery. May we not wander off as sheep without a Shepherd; turning our own way, mindlessly doing the next thing in our own strength. It is during those times that we lose our resemblance to You and bruise Your good name with our iniquities.

We long to hear, Well done, good and faithful servant! instead of...Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never knew you!

May we bring the light of God to even our most humble tasks, hallowing them in the process. May we heed Your call to Arise, shine! (Isaiah 60.1, Isaiah 53.6,11, Judith 12.4, 2 Corinthians 1.21-11)

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