Lord God, I bow myself low, making my way through the press of the crowd and other things that block my way to You. Like the woman of long ago, I reach out and touch the hem of Your garment. Let Your power go out from You and into me to heal mind-thirsts, heart-thirsts, soul-thirsts, physical-thirsts. I acknowledge that I am touching upon the mere hem of Your ways. You are so much more compassionate, powerful and loving than I will ever comprehend.
I am humbled to realize that You choose to place Your Spirit upon me to anoint me to turn outward from myself and bring Your Good News to the oppressed, to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and release to the prisoner, and to comfort those who mourn. May Your touch be released to give others joy instead of mourning, beauty for ashes, and a spirit of praise rather than a faint spirit. May I sow bountifully, for You, O Lord, provide every blessing so I always have enough of everything (spiritual gifts, money, time, etc.) to share abundantly with others. May I glorify You as I minister to others and may they become oaks of righteousness planted by You for Your honor, glory and praise. Amen (Matthew 9.21; Isaiah 61.1-3; 1 Maccabees 4.35; 2 Corinthians 9.6,8,13)
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