From my Master Gardener's perspective, one poor tool working all the time but with little results, is of small value compared with a sharp, keen instrument in Your hand used only a short time but turning out beautiful results. May I learn from Christ, who stated that apart from You He could do nothing. Given this knowledge, He chose to rise early, go out into the solitary places to pray and get in tune with You. May I learn to truly abide in You.
May I be a crown of beauty, a royal diadem, in Your hand bringing great delight and honor to You. I take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, keeping within the boundaries established for me. I place my hope in Your promise that my sphere of influence will be enlarged through those whose lives I touch as they in turn share Your Good News in their spheres of influence; thereby extending Your grace to lands far beyond what I personally could ever reach. Amen (Mark 1.35; John 5.19; Isaiah 62.2-4; 1 Maccabees 5.57,60-61; 2 Corinthians 10.4-5,13-16)