Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Living Word, and I come to You to gain the wisdom that comes from God. May my one concentrated passion be to know You and to be able to reveal to others my passion for You. May I be sent out like Ananias to grant others spiritual sight.
May I be changed by Your Spirit as I sit before Your Word, shedding one garment for a better one, and in time throwing that aside for yet a finer one, and so on until I am transformed into Your likeness. I entreat Your favor, my Lord. I humble myself before You, the God of my ancestors. Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation. Restore unto me both physical and spiritual health. Grant a mind that with sound logic prefers the wisdom of God. Grant knowledge of divine and human matters. May I day-by-day sit before Your Law, Your Truth, allowing Your Word to train my heart and mind to instantly turn to You and to hold fast to the mystery of the faith with a clear conscience. May I be temperate and faithful in all things. Purify my heart...cleanse me from within and make me holy...Refiner's fire, my heart's one desire is to be holy, ready to do Your will. Amen (Acts 9:17; 2 Chronicles 33.12-13; Jeremiah 30.2-3,17; 4 Maccabees1.15-17; 1 Timothy 3.9,11)
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