Ah, Lord God, You call me to a closer relationship with You. No longer content receiving just Your gifts; satisfied only with knowing You more intimately. Open my eyes to see You are are beside me always. Grant a Spirit-consciousness at all times.
Your mercies are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness, O God! I wait on You, O Lord. My soul seeks You. I wait quietly for You to pour out Your wisdom on me. Grant me the ability to speak with judgment and to have thoughts worthy of what I have received, for You, O God, are the guide of wisdom and the corrector of the wise. I place myself and my words in Your hands. May I be a reflection of Your Eternal Light, a spotless mirror of Your working in my life, an image of Your goodness. May I be known as a friend of God, one who lives in wisdom. You promise that if I am lacking in wisdom, all I have to do is ask and You will give generously and ungrudgingly. I ask, O God, for Your wisdom. Amen (Exodus 33.14; Lamentations 3.21-26; Wisdom of Solomon 7; James 1.5)
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