Ah, Lord God, How I rejoice in the Springtime of the year. So much new growth coming up out of the cold, hard ground -- such persistence! The promise of bud and blossom is so welcome after the long dark winter. Thank You also for the possibility of Springtime in my heart. In those areas where the fruit is not yet, I thank You for the promise of blossom.
When I see the rainbow in the sky out over the ocean, I am once again filled with hope that one day I will see the glory of Your splendor, O Lord. Until then, may Your wisdom guide me on straight paths and fill me with knowledge of You and Your Kingdom. May she prosper me in my labors and increase the fruit of my toil. May I truly learn that godliness is more powerful than anything.
I draw near to You, O God. I cleanse my hands of my own selfish motives and works. I purify my heart to accept Your gracious will. Forgive me for moments of double mindedness. May I be willing to lament and mourn and weep over those things that are displeasing to You. I humble myself before You, O Lord, for my life is just a mist that appears for a while and then vanishes. I choose to live for You and Your Kingdom purposes and the fruit of the life to come. Amen (Ezekiel 1.28; Wisdom of Solomon 10.10-12; James 4.8-10)