Lord God, I am hunting for words...I am trying to consider, to reason intelligently, to use wisdom from above...my son is hurting and in very bad shape physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel like I cannot speak to or meet anyone, or undertake any new duty until I get things righted before You. Press through, O Spirit of God, for my heart does so often condemn me and it is difficult for me to press through to hope once again; happiness flees. I need You, O gracious and merciful God, to press through and look after the practical details in all of this. Do not leave us to pine away in our iniquities, grieving in silence, without hope. You, O God, are our hope and our salvation, an ever-present help in times of trouble. I praise You for being the Master of Breakthroughs. Amen (Matthew 6.25; Job 18.2; Sirach 14.2,13,20; Ezekiel 24)
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