How unseeing the world goes on! How unknowing we are of each other's heartache and sorrow, battles and conquests. I am forever thankful for One who knows; One who sees every crisis, every effort, every heartache. Grant us eyes to see the limits of our sufficiency. May we come to know that our sufficiency is of You, O God. Thank You that underneath are the everlasting arms. May we lose sight of all limitations and focus instead on Your lavish, abundant supply. Even when our heart faints within us, grant us eyes to see that our Redeemer lives and on the earth again will stand.
You have placed before us fire and water, life and death; may we and those we love stretch forth our hand and choose life. I thank You, O Lamb of God, that You are a faithful Shepherd -- gentle, kind and true. Guide us to the springs of the water of life; wipe away every tear from our eyes, every sorrow from our hearts. Amen (2 Corinthians 3.5; Job 19.25-27; Sirach 15.26-27; Rev. 7.16-17)
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