Father God, forgive me for times past when I have lost sight of Your vision and became reckless by casting off restraints such as prayer, believing You were working in the smallest of things, losing the vision of Your Kingdom breaking through in the here and now of broken lives. I confess that when I lose the vision, when I cast off praying, I begin to do things on my own initiative -- and the results are anything but pretty!
I humble myself under Your Almighty hand, O God. Let Your Kingdom come. May I follow Your guidance and be afraid to venture out on my own even as a young child depends on their mother's presence. May I be mother shadowed. Doubt of my own wisdom and reliance on Yours will teach me humility. Grant light, O God, to one who has difficulty seeing the Way!
I am reminded of You leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. In everything, O Lord, You exalted and glorified Your people who up to that point were seen by the people of Egypt as despised and oppressed slaves. You did not neglect to help them at all times and in all places when they cried out to You for deliverance and guidance. You remind us that You are not slow in fulfilling Your promises, O faithful God. Show us what sort of persons You would have us be in leading lives of holiness and godliness. Let Your Kingdom come. Amen (1 Peter 5.6; Job 3.23; Wisdom of Solomon 19.22; 2 Peter 3.2, 9, 11)
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