Ah, Lord God, may I allow my natural life to be transfigured by the indwelling Life of the Son of God. May Your ultimate purpose be realized, O God; may Your Son be manifested in my mortal life. May I be so one with You, even as Christ is one with You that I pray without ceasing. Help this one who has no power of their own. Assist the arm of this one who has no strength. May I be so one with You that I am Your will. Amen (1 Thessalonians 5.17; Job 26.2)
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Prayer: Accepting the Call for Endurance & Faith
Lord God Almighty, Who was, and is and is to come, Giver of all Good Things, I give You praise for You are great and greatly to be praised. You have led me out to a large place and have filled my heart with songs of rejoicing. May I accept Your call for endurance and faith, even as the saints of old heard Your call and responded. Thank You for their examples, their stories. Thank You for being the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; the God of Billy, Susan and Shadrach. Thank You for Your covenant of love and grace. All wisdom and power and glory and honor belong to You both now and forevermore. Amen (Psalm 50.23; Rev. 13.10)
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Prayer: It's Not Magic
Lord Jesus Christ, may we come to understand that asking in Your Name isn't using Your Name as a magic word, but it means being filled with the mind of Christ -- so one with You, that we actually take on Your identity and pray even as You would pray about any given situation.
May we learn to breathe in the blessing of each day and forget all that lies behind -- reaching for that which lies ahead -- oneness with You. Amen (John 16.6; Philippians 3.13)
Monday, May 28, 2007
Prayer: Entire Reliance
Ah, Lord God, have I come to the place of entire reliance on the resurrection life of Jesus which brings me into perfect contact with the purposes of God? This, it seems to me, is a critical question not for me only but for the church universal. May Your love suffice in every difficulty, every trial, every failure of Your people. May our hearts remain untroubled at such times, knowing You are always with us, You will never forsake us. May our knowledge of Your Presence -- knowing Who You are and how You love us -- bring joy and peace.
You, O All-Seeing One, know the way we take; when You have tested us we shall come forth as gold, without blemish, without spot. May our feet hold fast to Your steps; may we keep Your way and not turn aside, ever treasuring in our hearts Your Word. We give You thanks and praise, Lord God Almighty, Who was, Who is and Who is to come. May we say with one voice, Our God Reigns! Amen (John 14.1; Hebrews 13.5; Job 23.10-12; Revelation 11.17)
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Prayer: Things Move Swiftly Before the Lord
Ah, Lord God, in my limited time perspective it can seem that time moves oh, so slowly when waiting expectantly. May I come to see that in Your eternal perspective from morning to evening conditions change, all things move swiftly before the Lord. When You speak there will be no more delay. Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth. May I learn to agree with You and be at peace; to receive instruction from You and lay up Your Word in my heart. May You, O Lord God Almighty, be my gold and precious silver, my joy and my delight, my hope and expectation. I lift up my face to You, O God. Hear my prayer, O Lord. Amen (Job 22.21-22, 25-27; Sirach 18.26; Revelation 10.6)
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Prayer: That Our Joy May Be Full
Ah, Lord God, You tell me to pray without ceasing, to not lose hope, to not grow weary nor fainthearted regarding all Your promises, to ask in Your Name.
Precious Redeemer, Gentle Shepherd, Lord God Almighty, I claim Your Word and Your promises for Shadrach and his future. I ask that I may live to see Your truths manifested in his life:
- You have his name written on the palm of Your hand;
- You uphold him with Your mighty right hand;
- You will not let the evil one snatch him out of Your hand;
- You, O Father God, will never forsake him;
- You will draw him with cords of love and teach him to walk after You;
- You will raise him up on eagle's wings;
- You will leave the other sheep who are in the fold and go after this one, searching until You find him, and then will bring him home with rejoicing;
- You will lift the yoke from his neck;
- You will encourage him when he is losing hope;
- You will grant him a return;
- You will walk with him through the fire and he will not be burned -- he will be delivered!
I ask all these promises be fulfilled in Jesus Christ's precious name, that I might receive them and that my joy would be full. Amen (1 Thessalonians 5.17; John 16.24; Sirach 17.24)
Friday, May 25, 2007
Prayer: Transforming Natural to Spiritual
Ah, Lord God, Your Spirit reminds me of David and how he longed for the waters of Jerusalem, so two of his mighty men broke through the enemy lines and brought back a jug of water, driven by their great love for David...and he poured it out as a drink offering to You. I am reminded, too, of Abram allowing Lot to choose the best land when there was strife between them. I confess that I've never quite understood what was happening in these instances -- was it the relinquishment of rights? or allowing You, O Sovereign God, to choose the future on their behalf? or was it surrendering the good to allow You to grace them with the best? May I be granted the faith, the grace, the spiritual sight to trust You to take my natural circumstances and transform them into something spiritual, something eternal, even when I cannot see what that may be.
May I listen to the inner urge of Life within, without knowing the results; much the same way the crocus or the snow drop wakens to the inner urge of Life within compelling it to push through the cold, hard winter ground with no assurance of sunshine or warmth. Yet, oh how it brings joy and gladness to those who see the blossom unfold! I trust that You, O Lord, arranged Your works in an eternal order. I choose to bow to Your purposes and Your timing. Take my prayers that spring from the natural circumstances in my life, mix them with incense and fire from Your alter and send them forth to create cataclysmic change on earth -- not just in my heart and life, but in others, as well. Amen (Matthew 17.20; Sirach 16.27-27; Revelation 8.4-5)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Prayer: Our Sufficiency is of God
How unseeing the world goes on! How unknowing we are of each other's heartache and sorrow, battles and conquests. I am forever thankful for One who knows; One who sees every crisis, every effort, every heartache. Grant us eyes to see the limits of our sufficiency. May we come to know that our sufficiency is of You, O God. Thank You that underneath are the everlasting arms. May we lose sight of all limitations and focus instead on Your lavish, abundant supply. Even when our heart faints within us, grant us eyes to see that our Redeemer lives and on the earth again will stand.
You have placed before us fire and water, life and death; may we and those we love stretch forth our hand and choose life. I thank You, O Lamb of God, that You are a faithful Shepherd -- gentle, kind and true. Guide us to the springs of the water of life; wipe away every tear from our eyes, every sorrow from our hearts. Amen (2 Corinthians 3.5; Job 19.25-27; Sirach 15.26-27; Rev. 7.16-17)
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Prayer: Press Through
Lord God, I am hunting for words...I am trying to consider, to reason intelligently, to use wisdom from above...my son is hurting and in very bad shape physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I feel like I cannot speak to or meet anyone, or undertake any new duty until I get things righted before You. Press through, O Spirit of God, for my heart does so often condemn me and it is difficult for me to press through to hope once again; happiness flees. I need You, O gracious and merciful God, to press through and look after the practical details in all of this. Do not leave us to pine away in our iniquities, grieving in silence, without hope. You, O God, are our hope and our salvation, an ever-present help in times of trouble. I praise You for being the Master of Breakthroughs. Amen (Matthew 6.25; Job 18.2; Sirach 14.2,13,20; Ezekiel 24)
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Prayer: Prayers as Incense
Ah, Lord God, it is precious indeed to know that our prayers rise from golden bowls before Your throne as incense. I am drawn to consider Christ's High Priestly Prayer and how it continues to be honored down through the ages: that we would be one with You, even as He is One. You, O God, are not concerned about our comfort, our little plans, or our ideas of how things should work. You do not come and ask, Do you want to go through this bereavement, this upset? You allow these things to touch us for Your own purpose. The things we are going through either make us sweeter, better and nobler; or they make us critical, fault-finding and insistent on our own way. We become either better or bitter, depending entirely on our relationship with You. If we say, Thy will be done, we release the power of Christ's prayer into our heart and life, knowing that You are working in accordance with Your own wisdom. Continue to work in our hearts and lives, O Sovereign God, until we are one with You.
To think that You have made us joint-heirs with Jesus is overwhelming. This relationship means we share by inheritance all that is Yours, O Creator of heaven and earth. We have the right to appropriate Your creativity, grace, forgiveness, wonder-working, cleansing power on behalf of others. Use whatever circumstance, whatever means necessary to make us one with You. May we fulfill our designed destiny. You, Lord Jesus, ransomed us from every tribe, language, people and nation to make us a Kingdom of priests who serve God. Worthy are You, O Lord, to receive power and wealth, wisdom and honor, glory and blessing, and praise both now and forever. Amen (Revelation 5; John 17; Mark 11.24; Job 17.1, 11)
Eternal Life,
Monday, May 21, 2007
Prayer: Dominating Concentration
Ah, Lord God, may my relationship to You be the dominating concentration of my life. I seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness as the first priority. For far too long, I have let the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the lust of other things come in and choke out Your Word in my life, and as a result I have not borne the fruit I should have borne. Forgive me, O Lord. I bring all my cares to you -- my children, my grandchildren, my health, my security, my home, all my relationships. You have not dealt with me according to what my neglect and sinfulness deserve, but You have been patient, merciful and gracious unto me. I praise You, O Lord, for Your loving kindness. You, O Lord, are worthy to receive glory, honor and power, for You created all things and by Your will they exist; I confess that this Truth applies even to those things which I do not presently understand. Amen (Matthew 6.33; Mark 4.19; Ezekiel 22.14; Rev. 4.11)
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Prayer: A Brave & Trusting Heart
Lord God may I learn what it is to "possess my soul". O Lord, grant strength and courage to be patient, to wait upon You and Your timing. Grant a brave and trusting heart even in the midst of difficult circumstances. I look to You for consolation. I quiet myself and listen for Your Spirit's still small voice. May Your Word flood my soul. In times of distressing news, may I moan with a breaking heart and bitter grief rather than give way to anger. Fill me with Your wisdom, understanding, knowledge and grace. Let Your love flow through me. Set before me an open door...one which cannot be shut...even when I have but little strength may I intercede with a heart that is in complete harmony with You, my God. Grant strength to keep Your Word and to glorify Your name. Amen (Luke 21.19; Joshua 1.7; Job 15.11-12; Ezekiel 21.6-7; Sirach 11.15; Rev. 3.8)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Prayer: Safe in Your Hands
Ah, Lord God, when I do not even know who I am, I can trust that You know my name, You hold me in the palm of Your hand, You know my heart and mind, so I do indeed have weight and substance and significance. I rest knowing all is safe in Your hands. You, O Eternal One, are my Refuge and my Rock. Underneath me are Your everlasting arms. You have determined the number of my days on this earth and the number of my months is known by You. My heart, O Lord, was made by You, and You have appointed the bounds I cannot cross. I turn to You, my Creator and my God, and rest knowing all is safe in Your hands. For the sake of Your Name, may I live up to the true identity that You have fashioned for me. Amen (Deuteronomy 33.27; Job 14.5; Ezekiel 20.9, 14; Sirach 10.12; Rev. 2.10)
Friday, May 18, 2007
Prayer: Consider the Lilies
O Lord, I so love it when a verse so "fits" what I am presently involved in and I can make immediate application of Your Word. I'm working at the Master Gardener's plant sale doing the labeling and pricing of plants that are brought in. It is something to "consider" what kind of care these plants received before they came in; everything from pampered greenhouse treatment with heating mats, to near total neglect...and yet they grow! Lord Jesus, instead of me worrying about my spiritual growth, I am reminded to simply grow and remain dependent upon my Master Gardener to supply all I need. You came so that I might have abundant life now. I choose to abide in You and live simply, revitalized, renewed. May my glory be based on my fear / awe of You, my Lord and my God. You loved me, You freed me from sin, and You called me to serve You as a Kingdom priest. May I choose to take hold of this life now. Amen (Matthew 6.28; John 10.10; Sirach 9.16; Revelation 1.3,16)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Prayer: Mercy that Leads to Eternal Life
Lord Jesus Christ, I thank You that Your Cross is the door by which we enter into the life of God. I bless You for Your Resurrection which gives You the right to grant us eternal life. I give praise for Your Ascension, which took You to heaven and allows You to keep the door open for humanity. In the recognition and wonder of these truths, I cast away all transgressions that I have committed against God and ask You to grant me a new heart and a new spirit so that I might truly live. May I build myself up in this most holy faith, learn to pray by Your Spirit and keep myself in the love of God. O Lord Jesus, thank You for Your mercy that leads to eternal life. Amen (Job 11.6; Ezekiel 18.31-31; Jude 20-21)
Eternal Life,
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Prayer: Meager Prayers
Ah, Lord God, would that I could master praying without ceasing. I confess that I do so often become weary in prayer. When one day I am allowed to see how marvelously my prayers have been answered, I am sure that I will deeply, so deeply, regret that I have prayed so meagerly.
O Lord God Almighty, You have granted me life and steadfast love. Your care, O gracious One, has preserved my spirit. Plant me, O God, on the mountain height in order that I may produce boughs, bear fruit and become a noble cedar, offering shade, shelter and food to every creature You send. I willingly lavish Your grace on others. May I not grow weary when in prayer nor neglect the giving of alms. Bless me, O God, with a lasting heritage so I may joy in hearing my children walk in Your truth. Amen (Job 10.12; Ezekiel 17.23; Sirach 7.10; 3 John 4)
Eternal Life,
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Prayer: Knowing the Hope of His Calling
Lord Jesus Christ, may I come to know the hope of Your calling on my life. May I remember that for which I was saved -- that the Son of God might be manifested in my flesh. Let Your Spirit fill me and so overflow in my heart and life that I go out into the world to heal the broken-hearted, preach deliverance to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and set at liberty those who are bruised; freely proclaiming Your favor. Train me to strive untiringly for the things of the Kingdom. Fill my heart and mind with Your Word and keep me meditating on it at all times. Grant insight to my mind and grant my desire for godly wisdom rather than choosing to be wise in the ways of the world. May I not lose that for which I have worked, but may I receive Your full blessed reward. Amen (Luke 4.18; Sirach 6; 2 John 8)
Monday, May 14, 2007
Prayer: A Delight & A Joy
Ah, Lord God, it is the disagreeable things in this life which come along and make me exhibit whether or not I am manifesting Your life to a watching world. Do I manifest the essential sweetness of the Son of God, or the essential irritation of myself apart from You? Tell me, O Thou whom my soul loveth, where Thou feedest, where Thou makest Thy flock to rest at noon. O dear Shepherd, may I learn to trust in Your guidance; abiding in Your stillness, in Your sweet care.
I recall David, who started as a lowly shepherd boy, learning to love and worship You as he pastured his sheep. Though his beginning was small, his latter days were very great. Fill my heart with trust, my mouth with laughter and my lips with shouts of joy. May I stand firm in Your love and grace and be consistent in my walk and my talk. May I be quick to hear and deliberate in answering. Fill me with Your love and may I come to see that abiding in Your love and commandments is not a burdensome thing, but a delight and a joy. Amen (Song of Solomon 1.7; Job 8.7, 21; Sirach 5.10-12; 1 John 5.3)
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Prayer: O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee
O Lord God, may I truly learn to abide in You and in Your love. May Your wisdom teach me and fill me with joy from on high. I steadily turn my gaze toward You. Fill me with Your divine love and power. I turn out all the idols of my heart and remove those things which so easily cause me to stumble in the Way. Lord Jesus, show me what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. O Master, let me walk with Thee. Amen (Acts 24.16; Ezekiel 14.3; Sirach 4.11-12; 1 John 4.15)
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Prayer: Gifts of Peace & Rest & Joy
Ah, Lord God, thank You for giving me the gifts of peace, rest and joy. I turn out the doubt, fear and despair which so often creep in, realizing these things rob me of Your great treasures. Humbly I bow before You, O great and generous Lord. May my heart be filled with Your love; a love that is borne out in truth and action, not just in word or speech. Amen (Sirach 3.19, 29; 1 John 3)
Friday, May 11, 2007
Prayer: A Steadfast Heart
Lord God, may I not despise Your discipline when it comes. May I come to know that though You wound, You bind up; though You strike, Your hand heals. Grant me ears that hear, eyes that see, a mind that comprehends, a spirit that resonates with You and is not given to rebelliousness. May my heart be steadfast and true. Grant patience and love in times of humiliation. I place my trust in You, O merciful, holy God. Make my way straight. I set my hope and affection on You. Anoint my head with oil for Your service, O my King. Amen (Job 5.17-18; Ezekiel 12.2-18; Sirach 2.1-6; 1 John 2.20)
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Prayer: All Agitation is Destructive of Good
Lord God, may I get into the habit of hearkening to You about everything; being quiet, shutting off the noise in my head, listening for Your voice. May this especially be the case when I get agitated. Fill me with Your quiet and with confident strength. May I see that all agitation is destructive of good. May I choose to stand in Your way and walk in it. May I strengthen the weak hands and support those who are stumbling. Grant me firm knees to move quickly to prayer and confession. Create in me a new heart and fill me with Your Spirit so I choose to obey You. Fill me with the wisdom that is from above. Amen (2 Peter. 1.5; Jeremiah 6.16; Job 4.3-6; 1 John 1.8-10)
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Prayer: Casting Off Restraints
Father God, forgive me for times past when I have lost sight of Your vision and became reckless by casting off restraints such as prayer, believing You were working in the smallest of things, losing the vision of Your Kingdom breaking through in the here and now of broken lives. I confess that when I lose the vision, when I cast off praying, I begin to do things on my own initiative -- and the results are anything but pretty!
I humble myself under Your Almighty hand, O God. Let Your Kingdom come. May I follow Your guidance and be afraid to venture out on my own even as a young child depends on their mother's presence. May I be mother shadowed. Doubt of my own wisdom and reliance on Yours will teach me humility. Grant light, O God, to one who has difficulty seeing the Way!
I am reminded of You leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. In everything, O Lord, You exalted and glorified Your people who up to that point were seen by the people of Egypt as despised and oppressed slaves. You did not neglect to help them at all times and in all places when they cried out to You for deliverance and guidance. You remind us that You are not slow in fulfilling Your promises, O faithful God. Show us what sort of persons You would have us be in leading lives of holiness and godliness. Let Your Kingdom come. Amen (1 Peter 5.6; Job 3.23; Wisdom of Solomon 19.22; 2 Peter 3.2, 9, 11)
Eternal Life,
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Prayer: In the Hands of an Archer
Lord God, I trust my life in Your hands, even as a bow and arrow in the hands of an archer. May I continue to trust in Your skill and wisdom as You go on stretching till Your purpose is in sight; continuing to trust as You "let fly".
Comfort my heart with Your Word. Bring to remembrance all You have said. Fill my memory with the examples of Your saints. May I be steadfast in prayer realizing it is the shield of ministry. May I learn to intercede with the oaths and covenants given to Your people of old. Amen (Job 2.10; Ezekiel 9.6; Wisdom of Solomon 18.21-22; 2 Peter 2.19)
Prayer: Personally, Passionately, Devotedly
Lord Jesus Christ, You call the question: Are you personally, passionately, devotedly in love with Me beyond any of the closest ties here on earth??
Work in me, O Lord, both to will and to do Your good pleasure. All I have is from You. By Your Divine Power You have given me everything I need for life and godliness. May I hold Your Word, Your promises as treasured precious gifts and become a participant in Your divine nature. Amen (Philippians 2.13; Job 2.21; 2 Peter 1.3-4)
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Prayer: All Anxiety, All Care
Lord God Almighty, to You be power and praise forever and ever! It is Your Word, O Lord that encourages and sustains me. I place my trust in You, for You are my Blessed Hope. I cast all my cares, all my anxieties, on You. I discipline my thoughts through Your Spirit's gentle leading in the reading of Your Word.
May I rise before the sun, and the bustle of the day, to give You praise. I pray to You at the dawning of the light, when it is still still. Keep me, O Spirit, from falling into a deep forgetfulness of all Your lovingkindness. May I not be unresponsive to Your workings in my life, O God all all grace. Restore support, strengthen and establish me for Your good work. Amen (Wisdom of Solomon 16; 11,12, 26, 28; I Peter 5)
Saturday, May 5, 2007
Prayer: Hope Cheaper than Dirt
Ah, Lord God, may we Your people once again choose to breathe in Your very Spirit as pure air and fresh desire. We open the windows of our souls to You. We turn our eyes to look at the hand of our Master, as the eyes of a maiden unto the hand of their mistress; so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God.
We confess that You, O Lord, are crushed by our wanton hearts which turn so easily away from You, and our wanton eyes which turn after the fraudulent idols of today: militarism, consumerism, relativism, racism, sexism, and all the other isms of our culture that call for our allegiance. We confess that when we set our hearts on these things our hearts turn to ashes and our hope is cheaper than dirt, for we fail to know the One who formed us and inspired us with active souls and who breathed Your glorious spirit unto us. You also say there will be a time when You will bring Your judgment to the household of God. If it begins with us, what will be the end for those who do not obey the gospel of God? We choose to entrust ourselves to You, our Faithful Creator. We come to You in complete dependence and allow You the occasion to manifest Your power in our lives, to bring us dignity, and hope for tomorrow. Amen (1 Peter 4.17, 19; Psalm 123.2; Ezekiel 6.8; Wisdom of Solomon 15.10-11;
We confess that You, O Lord, are crushed by our wanton hearts which turn so easily away from You, and our wanton eyes which turn after the fraudulent idols of today: militarism, consumerism, relativism, racism, sexism, and all the other isms of our culture that call for our allegiance. We confess that when we set our hearts on these things our hearts turn to ashes and our hope is cheaper than dirt, for we fail to know the One who formed us and inspired us with active souls and who breathed Your glorious spirit unto us. You also say there will be a time when You will bring Your judgment to the household of God. If it begins with us, what will be the end for those who do not obey the gospel of God? We choose to entrust ourselves to You, our Faithful Creator. We come to You in complete dependence and allow You the occasion to manifest Your power in our lives, to bring us dignity, and hope for tomorrow. Amen (1 Peter 4.17, 19; Psalm 123.2; Ezekiel 6.8; Wisdom of Solomon 15.10-11;
Eternal Life,
Friday, May 4, 2007
Prayer: Lasting Beauty
Lord God, may my adornment be the inner self with the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in Your sight. Teach me to live in the rapture of Your Kingdom, in light and gladness, in joy, and in honor of You. Grant, I pray, unity of spirit, as well as sympathy and love for others. May You grace me with a tender heart and a humble mind. Amen (1 Peter 3.4; Esther 8.16; 1 Peter 3. 8)
Eternal Life,
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Prayer: The Author of Beauty
You, O Lord, remind me to pray always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. Is it appropriate for me to view You as the King in the story of Esther? I imagine that You come and ask very simply, What is your petition? It shall be granted to you. What is your request? Esther had the perfect response, and so I pray her prayer and supplication in the Spirit to You, my King: If I have won Your favor, O King, and if it pleases the King, let my life be given me -- that is my petition -- and the lives of my people -- that is my request. For we have been sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be killed, and to be annihilated.
You, O Christ, reiterated this prayer when You said, The thief comes to steal, to kill and to destroy -- but I come to give life. In this world today there is so much that steals our time, kills our joy and destroys our spirit. Hear my prayer, O King. Even when I remove myself from much that saturates the world, I find people here in the beauty of the Pacific Northwest lost to the knowledge of You.
They are unable from the good things that are seen to know the One who exists, nor do they recognize the Artisan while paying heed to Your works; but they suppose that either fire or wind or swift air, or the circle of stars, or turbulent water, or the luminaries of heaven are the gods that rule the world. If through delight in the beauty of these things people assume them to be gods, let them know how much better than these is their Lord, for the Author of Beauty created them and if people are amazed at their power and working, let them perceive from them how much more powerful is the One who formed them, for while they live among Your works they keep searching and they trust in what they see, because the things that are seen are beautiful. Open their hearts, minds and spirit to You, O Author of Beauty.
May we come to You, the Living Stone, though oft rejected by mortals, yet chosen and precious in God's sight. May we be living stones, built into a spiritual house, a royal priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to You, O God and King. May we proclaim the mighty acts of You who called us out of darkness into Your marvelous light. Amen (Ephesians 6.18; Esther 7.2-4; Wisdom of Solomon 13.1-7; 1 Peter 2.4-5, 9)
Eternal Life,
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Prayer: Ideas Have Feet
Ah, Lord God, may I wait for You, even when it seems I have waited long enough. Grant me grace to wait even when a response / a vision from You tarries. May I look back on my life and see that ideas have feet; skewed thinking led to skewed ways. In order for me to be well-doing, I must be in a right relationship with You and be guided by that sense of well-being. May I, like your prophet Ezekiel, internalize Your Word so it becomes part of my very being. I place my future once again in Your hands, O loving Father.
You say in Your Word that the prophets prophesied for me -- to show me the grace that is mine through Christ Jesus. They made careful search and inquiry and it was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but those who were to come -- me! Prepare my mind, O God, for action and may I discipline myself to set my hope on Christ and all He has revealed. May I be holy and live in reverent fear of You here in this day and time. May I realize the truth of the prophets -- that I have been ransomed from the futile ways of my ancestors, not with perishable things like silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Set my faith and hope on You, O God. Show me how to love others deeply from the heart. May I be transformed into the image of Christ by the washing of Your Word through my heart and mind. Like Christ, may I lovingly welcome fellow strugglers on the Way. Amen (Habakkuk 2.3; Wisdom of Solomon 12.1-2; 1 Peter 2)
You say in Your Word that the prophets prophesied for me -- to show me the grace that is mine through Christ Jesus. They made careful search and inquiry and it was revealed to them that they were not serving themselves, but those who were to come -- me! Prepare my mind, O God, for action and may I discipline myself to set my hope on Christ and all He has revealed. May I be holy and live in reverent fear of You here in this day and time. May I realize the truth of the prophets -- that I have been ransomed from the futile ways of my ancestors, not with perishable things like silver and gold, but with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Set my faith and hope on You, O God. Show me how to love others deeply from the heart. May I be transformed into the image of Christ by the washing of Your Word through my heart and mind. Like Christ, may I lovingly welcome fellow strugglers on the Way. Amen (Habakkuk 2.3; Wisdom of Solomon 12.1-2; 1 Peter 2)
Eternal Life,
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Prayer: Even When I Cannot See
Ah, Lord God, may I learn to lead my life in faith, even when I cannot see You or Your hand working in my life. May I be faithful to wake and eat Your Words, to take nourishment from them, to allow them to inform my thoughts and my sight. Your ways are not my ways, O Lord, nor are Your thoughts my thoughts. May Your Word be the lens through which I view all that transpires around me. May I leave You out of nothing. In all things may I grant You preeminence. May I know that all is well, for You, O Lord God Almighty, arrange things by measure, number and weight. . . but You are merciful to all, for You can do all things and bring about repentance. Strengthen my heart, O Lord, and grant me patience as I wait on You. Teach me, O God to pray effectively and fervently. Amen (2 Corinthians 5.7; Isaiah 55.9; Ezekiel 2.7-8; Wisdom of Solomon 11.20,23, James 5.16)
Eternal Life,
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