Ah, Lord God, today I received an e-mail alert about the situation in the Darfur region of Sudan. Yesterday on NPR, I heard an interview with a doctor from Zimbabwe who had recently treated victims of Mugabe's brutal attack on those attending a prayer meeting. O Lord, when I hear these things, there is something like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in and I cannot. I must intercede. O Lord, be with these peoples like a dread warrior; make their persecutors stumble so they no longer prevail. May these government / military leaders be brought to shame, may their evil schemes be unsuccessful, and may their eternal dishonor never be forgotten.
O Lord of Hosts, You test the righteous, You see the heart and mind; let Your retribution be upon them for I have committed the cause of these oppressed peoples to You. May their watchword be, God's Victory!, for only You, O Lord, can resolve these difficulties. I sing to You, O Lord. I praise the Lord Almighty in advance for hearing my prayer and working deliverance on behalf of these Your people. I look forward to the day of Your deliverance when I can shout, You have delivered the life of the needy from the hands of the evildoers! Great are You, Lord, Our Strong Deliverer, Mighty to Save! Amen. (Jeremiah 20.9, 11-13; 2 Maccabees 13.15)
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