Thank You that my genes, social status and country of origin have neither the first nor the last word in my faith journey. May I choose to see myself as You see me, O God -- inextricably bound to the One who loves me, who chose me before the foundation of the world, and adopted me as Your child through Christ Jesus, according to the good pleasure of Your will. May I walk securely in this knowledge, understanding that being formed into the image of Christ is not a simple process, it requires all of my heart, soul, and mind for a lifetime.
I stand willingly at the crossroads, looking and asking for the ancient paths, where the good way lies, and determine to walk in it and find rest for my soul. May Your message become a part of me, intertwined in my DNA; truly a new creation. May I be as a flung stone in a pond causing ripples to spread in ever-widening circles beyond all knowledge and anticipation. Fill me, O Lord, with Your joy and peace. May Your joy ripple out from me to others. Blessed be God! Amen (John 15.11; Jeremiah 6.16; Ephesians 1.3-6)
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