Lord God, I pray that You would be near, all broodingly near, as a tender mother bird anxious over its young, to the people of Zimbabwe who are being oppressed by government forces. Mugabe has destroyed the country of Zimbabwe in his selfish desire for power and because he did not set his heart to know You, O Lord. May he learn from this most recent incident that there is certainly the protective power of God over the church. May he come to know that even though You inhabit the heavens, You watch over Your people, You bring them aid, and You come in Almighty power to strike those who come against Your people to do them injury.
O Lord, comfort Your people. Come and touch Spirit-quickened nerves and bring them joy and strength. Be not only their Lord, but also their Life. Quicken the hearts, bodies, minds and souls of Your people. Renew their strength. May they mount up with wings as eagles; may they run and not be weary, may they walk and not faint. Grant them perseverance in times of trial and grief. May they forget not all Your benefits. Fill their mouths, O Lord, with good things. May they choose to live as children of Light. Grant them the fruit of all that is good, right and true. Fill them with Your Spirit and bring to remembrance Your saints of old; may they follow their example by singing songs, hymns and spiritual songs, and by giving thanks to You at all times in everything.
O Lord, hear! O Lord, see! O Lord, lift the yoke of oppression from their shoulders! O Lord, act on their behalf! We praise and glorify Your name, O Strong Deliverer, O Present Help in Times of Trouble. Be glorified through Your people. Amen (2 Chronicles 12.14; Psalm 103.2, 5; 2 Maccabees 3.38-39; Ephesians 5.9, 18-20)
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