Saturday, March 31, 2007
Prayer: The Discipline of Prayer
Ah, Lord God, may I learn to be an intercessor, one who is able to combine the study of Scripture with the discipline of prayer so that I may know Your attributes, cling to Your promises and gain Your view of current situations. May I read with a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Grant a listening ear, a receptive heart and a spirit that turns to You quickly in any and all situations. Let it be shown that You are with us, O Lord, and have not turned Your face from us. Accomplish Your purposes in and through us. Amen (2 Chronicles 31.5; Jeremiah 28.7; 3 Maccabees 6.15; 1 Timothy 1.5)
Friday, March 30, 2007
Prayer: Mercy & Grace Outpoured
O Lord God, may I not be stiff-necked and rebellious, going my own way, handling things in my own strength. I return to You, O merciful God, and find Your mercy and grace outpoured on my kindred and children. Turn Your attention toward us, O great and merciful God. We thank You and praise You for Your love and the steadfast love of Christ. Fill us, O God, with Your perfect peace. Fill our hearts with joy and our lips with thankfulness. Amen (2 Chronicles 30.8-9; Jeremiah 27.22; 3 Maccabees 5.13; 2 Peter 2.9)
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Prayer: Surprise Visits from the Lord
Ah, Lord Jesus, may I keep myself mentally and spiritually alert and be ready for Your surprise visits, expecting You at every turn. May I set my heart on what You want and may I think along Your line. May I be willing to live a life apart with You, seeing all my circumstances through Your eyes. Fill me with Your Word and pour out Your grace upon me so I may be strengthened in every good work and word. Amen (Luke 12.40; 2 Chronicles 29.10; Jeremiah 26.s, 13, 15; 3 Maccabees 4.21; 2 Thessalonians 2.16-17)
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Prayer: Let Your Mercies Overtake Us
Lord God, I set my heart to seek You. May I be known as one who belongs to You wholeheartedly. May I not quench Your Spirit, O Lord. Wipe away our sins and disperse our errors, and reveal Your mercy at this hour. Speedily let Your mercies overtake us and put praises in the mouth of those who are downcast and broken in Spirit, and give us peace. May we rejoice in You always and pray without ceasing, giving thanks in all circumstances realizing that this is Your will, O God, in Christ Jesus, knowing that You will fulfill in us all that You have planned. Thank You for being a God who is near us and hears our prayers. Amen (2 Chronicles 26.5; Jeremiah 24.7; 3 Maccabees 2.19-20; 1 Thessalonians 5.18,19,23-24)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Prayer: Standing in God's Council
Lord God, You have many things You long to show me through Your Spirit and Your Word and through Christ who strengthens me. May I learn to rest in You, quiet myself in Your love, be filled with Your grace, love and power -- and then be ready to go forward and act; confident that I have gained Your council, Your love and leading, ready to work, behaving properly, dependent on no one but You. Amen (Philippians 4.13; 2 Chronicles 25.8,9; Jeremiah 23.18; 1 Thessalonians 4.11-12)
Eternal Life,
Monday, March 26, 2007
Delayed Postings...
I just received word that my mother is experiencing increased heart difficulties, so am going to be on the road for the next few days as I drive to their home and then to Spokane, Washington, to be with her and my father during surgery. Postings may be a bit behind for the next few days...thanks for your prayers! sm
Prayer: Guide Me With Thine Eye

Purify my heart, O God, so I may see You. Instruct me and teach me in the way I should go as I sit before Your Word listening with my whole heart. I grant Your Spirit free reign not only in my heart but in all my life.
You tell me I am Your temple; may I purify the outer courts as well as the inner sanctuary. Guide me with Your eye, O Lord, in all my interactions and dealings. Direct my way to those whom You would have me meet and may they clearly see that I am Yours. Amen (Matthew 5.8; Psalm 32.8; 1 Thessalonians 3.11)
Eternal Life,
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Prayer: ABC's of Praise

All praise be given to God, the Creator of heaven and earth!
Blessed be the name of the Lord, Most High!
Consider all the works of the Lord, and praise His holy name.
Delight yourself in the presence of the Lord God Almighty.
Exalt His name and come before Him; come into His presence with singing.
For God is great and greatly to be praised. He is to be feared above all gods.
Grant us a heart to worship You, aright, O God.
Hear our prayer, O Lord, we humbly pray.
Incline Thine ear to us and grant us Thy peace.
Jesus, we thank You for ever interceding for us at the right hand of God.
Knowledge of You, O Lord, is far beyond our comprehension.
Lift us up, so we may praise You and worship You in Spirit and in Truth.
More about You, O Lord, we would know. You draw us to Your side and tell us that
Nothing can separate us from Your love, and we stand amazed!
Open our eyes, Lord. We would see Jesus, so we may be one with You even as Christ was.
Pour out Your Spirit upon us.
Quiet our hearts with Your love.
Rejoice over us with singing and restore us to a right relationship with You, our Beloved.
Set us as a seal upon Your heart so we may be ever true to You.
Turn our eyes from the things of this world and grant us
Understanding of Your Kingdom, Your purposes, Your ways so we may
Value that which is important and spend our time on that which is eternal.
We worship You, we
EXtol You, we
Yield our lives to You. Fill us with the incredible
Zeal of the Lord. Amen
Eternal Life,
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Prayer: Songs of Deliverance II

Ah, Lord God, today I received an e-mail alert about the situation in the Darfur region of Sudan. Yesterday on NPR, I heard an interview with a doctor from Zimbabwe who had recently treated victims of Mugabe's brutal attack on those attending a prayer meeting. O Lord, when I hear these things, there is something like a burning fire shut up in my bones; I am weary with holding it in and I cannot. I must intercede. O Lord, be with these peoples like a dread warrior; make their persecutors stumble so they no longer prevail. May these government / military leaders be brought to shame, may their evil schemes be unsuccessful, and may their eternal dishonor never be forgotten.
O Lord of Hosts, You test the righteous, You see the heart and mind; let Your retribution be upon them for I have committed the cause of these oppressed peoples to You. May their watchword be, God's Victory!, for only You, O Lord, can resolve these difficulties. I sing to You, O Lord. I praise the Lord Almighty in advance for hearing my prayer and working deliverance on behalf of these Your people. I look forward to the day of Your deliverance when I can shout, You have delivered the life of the needy from the hands of the evildoers! Great are You, Lord, Our Strong Deliverer, Mighty to Save! Amen. (Jeremiah 20.9, 11-13; 2 Maccabees 13.15)
Friday, March 23, 2007
Prayer: The Secret Life of Prayer

Lord God Almighty, I devote myself to prayer, to conversation with You. May I keep alert and pray for that which Your Spirit brings to mind, realizing those nudges are Your call to conversation. May I waiver not in this relationship, confident that You hear me when I call to You. I come to the conversation with faith believing in Your desire to meet with me. I trust in Your Sovereign Power, thanking You not only for hearing me but for acting in righteousness. You see all things, even that which is hidden. Open to me the secret life of prayer, O my Beloved. (2 Maccabees 12; Colossians 4.2)
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Prayer: The Secret of the Burning Heart

Ah, Lord Jesus, may I learn the secret of the burning heart that will go with me throughout my day and influence all my relationships (family, work, friends, acquaintances, and unknown persons with whom I come in contact). I confess that it is the long, dull, dreary day with commonplace duties and people that kills the burning heart in me. O Lord, re-ignite the fire within. Help me see that I cannot have a need that You, O Creator God, cannot supply. I may not know what to do in a given situation or interaction, but I can be still and let the fire of Your love be re-kindled within me.
May I be like clay in Your Hand, for You are not a passive God, but You actively form me and Your faith community in unseen and unacknowledged but powerful ways. May I stand still and see You, my Creative and Resourceful God, at work pulling, tugging, stretching, shaping as You see fit.
May I clothe myself in compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, and above all else, love. Bind everything in my life together in perfect harmony, O Lord. May everything I say and do glorify You. May I see that love wins. Thank You for caring about my heart, O God. Amen (Luke 24.32; 2 Chronicles 20.12, 15, 17; Jeremiah 18.6; Colossians 3.12-17)
Eternal Life,
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Prayer: Unspeakable Joy
I have set my heart to seek You, O God. Thank You for reminding me that not only are You with me on this journey, but You have planned the journey. May I live not as this world lives, but may I find joy and courage as I move into the future confidently with You. There are joys unspeakable in the way You lead. Amen (2 Chronicles 19.3; Colossians 2.20)
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Prayer: Spiritual Wisdom & Understanding

Lord God, forgive me for not being as intimately acquainted with You as Jesus was and as He would like for me to be -- for He prayed that I would be one with You even as You were with Him. May I become so one with You that I cease to function except through You, that I become Your will. May I truly be able to say wholeheartedly, I delight to do Your will, O God.
Fill me with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that I lead a life worthy of You, fully pleasing You as I bear fruit in every good work and as I grow in knowledge of You. I grant You first place in everything, allowing You to direct my steps. May I proclaim You to everyone in all wisdom, ensuring all feel welcome in Your Presence, so we might stand before You mature in Christ. I call upon Your powerful energy to strengthen me as I serve You in great love, O Source of my Strength. Amen (John 17.11; Psalm 40.8; Colossians 1)
Monday, March 19, 2007
Prayer: Spirit Reminders

Lord God, You are leading me in a way I know not; continue to separate me unto Yourself and intrude upon my spirit as You see fit. Fill me, O God, with Your Spirit and allow me to take on the mind of Christ. Move me into an every more personal relationship with You; draw me to Your side. May I lead a life of simplicity, clarity and unity with You. I move into a confident trust in You and Your purposes and power. I place all my confidence in You and take Your view of the world -- unswayed by the power and arrogance of earthly leaders.
So many times this week You have brought Zimbabwe to mind -- not just by news stories and Internet alerts, but by constant intrusions into whatever I am doing -- drawing me toward a particular sculpture in a garden at the Sitka Center for Art & Ecology which was created by a Zimbabwean artist; drawing my attention to a marimba group whose music is influenced by musical traditions of Zimbabwe. I begin to understand that You are directing my intercession for a people in great need of prayer. Help me see these "coincidences" for what they really are, O Lord, Spirit reminders to pray and intercede on every occasion for the plight of the people of Zimbabwe. May I not be remiss by ceasing to pray for those whom You call to mind; may I faithfully unite with their spirits in prayer and lift them up before Your throne.
I implore You, O Lord, to look upon these people who are sorely oppressed. Have pity, O Lord, and have mercy upon this nation that has been destroyed and is about to be leveled to the ground. Those in power are arrogant and filled with impunity thinking no One sees and no One cares. They continue to oppress the poor with abandon and acts of daring even in the midst of public outcry. May Your people put their trust in You, the Almighty, and may they encourage one another by calling to remembrance Your faithful rescue of Your people in ages past. O Lord, hearken to the blood of Your saints which now cries out from the ground; remember the lawless destruction of Your innocents; remember the blasphemies uttered against Your people and Your Name. Show, O Holy One, Your hatred of evil. Strengthen Your people, O God. May they encourage one another during these difficult times to set their eyes on You, their Rock and their Refuge, their Ever Present Help in times of trouble. Amen (Hebrews 11.8; Psalm 20.7; Jeremiah 15.16, 19; 2 Maccabees 8.2-4; 18; Philippians 4.13)
Eternal Life,
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Prayer: Pressing Toward the Goal
Eternal Life,
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Prayer: To Will & To Do

Ah, Lord God, it is You who are at work in me, enabling me both to will and to do Your good pleasure. I choose to abide in You, to see You with my whole heart's desire. May I realize that my worth to You in public is what I choose to be in private. May I do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility choose to regard others better than myself. May I look not to my own interests but to the welfare and interests of others. May I let the same mind be in me which was in Christ Jesus. I trust You, O God, in every detail of my life. Amen (2 Chronicles 15.2, 7, 15; Philippians 2.3-5, 13)
Friday, March 16, 2007
Prayer: In Returning & Rest

O Lord there is no difference for You between healing the mighty and the weak. Help us, O Lord, our God for we rely on You...
May I choose not to tire myself out by those things which profit nothing. Continue to narrow my world as You see fit until my focus is You. I put my trust in You, for I am confident in this, that You who began this good work in me are faithful to complete it. Blessed be God, the Source of my Strength, the Lifter of my head! Amen (Isaiah 30.15; 2 Chronicles 14.11; Jeremiah 12.13; Philippians 1.6)
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Prayer: The Living Word

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...
You who are the Word, I hear Your call to have the mind of Christ in any given matter. I confess that I can only do this if Your Word abides in me. Your Spirit can only bring to remembrance that which I have allowed to enter my mind and heart. O God, bring the peace that passes all understanding as I seek to have the mind of Christ when I pray and intercede. Wash me with the fresh Living Water of Your Word. Come and fill my heart with Your peace. May I choose to invest my time and energy by feeding on Your Word. May I truly listen for Your voice as I sit quietly before You. Teach me to pray in the Spirit at all times. May I keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. Make me fit for Your work, O God. Amen (John 1; Phillipians 4.7; Jeremiah 11.4; Ephesians 6.18)
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Prayer: Near, All Broodingly Near

Lord God, I pray that You would be near, all broodingly near, as a tender mother bird anxious over its young, to the people of Zimbabwe who are being oppressed by government forces. Mugabe has destroyed the country of Zimbabwe in his selfish desire for power and because he did not set his heart to know You, O Lord. May he learn from this most recent incident that there is certainly the protective power of God over the church. May he come to know that even though You inhabit the heavens, You watch over Your people, You bring them aid, and You come in Almighty power to strike those who come against Your people to do them injury.
O Lord, comfort Your people. Come and touch Spirit-quickened nerves and bring them joy and strength. Be not only their Lord, but also their Life. Quicken the hearts, bodies, minds and souls of Your people. Renew their strength. May they mount up with wings as eagles; may they run and not be weary, may they walk and not faint. Grant them perseverance in times of trial and grief. May they forget not all Your benefits. Fill their mouths, O Lord, with good things. May they choose to live as children of Light. Grant them the fruit of all that is good, right and true. Fill them with Your Spirit and bring to remembrance Your saints of old; may they follow their example by singing songs, hymns and spiritual songs, and by giving thanks to You at all times in everything.
O Lord, hear! O Lord, see! O Lord, lift the yoke of oppression from their shoulders! O Lord, act on their behalf! We praise and glorify Your name, O Strong Deliverer, O Present Help in Times of Trouble. Be glorified through Your people. Amen (2 Chronicles 12.14; Psalm 103.2, 5; 2 Maccabees 3.38-39; Ephesians 5.9, 18-20)
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Prayer: Worthy of Your Calling

Lord God, may I be thrilled with something infinitely greater than myself, caught up into the great abandonment of God. I choose to walk in Your Spirit, ever aware of Your Spirit-Kingdom and Your activity in the world around me. May my only boast be in You, O Lord, for You act with steadfast love, justice and righteousness. It is in these things that You delight, O Lord. I follow close to You in order to lead a life worthy of Your calling. Fill me with Your love, humility, patience and forbearance with others. May I choose to maintain the bond of peace with all whom I meet, acknowledging the leading of Your Holy Spirit. Amen (Jeremiah 10.23-24; Ephesians 4.1-3)
Monday, March 12, 2007
Prayer: Songs of Deliverance

Ah, Lord God, today I awakened to news of Zimbabwe's key Christian leaders being arrested, jailed and severely beaten for attending a prayer meeting. Move me out of the miserable commercial self-interest that permeates our society today and create in me an alertness to Your Kingdom and Your purposes for Your people across the globe. Broaden the horizons of my interest and concern for my brothers and sisters throughout the world. O God, the people of Zimbabwe look for peace but they find no good, for a time of healing for their country, but there is terror instead. For the hurt of Your people, I am hurt. I mourn and dismay has taken hold of me. Is there no Balm in Gilead? Is there no Physician there? Why then is the health of Your children not restored? How long, O Lord, how long?
Be good to these Your people, remember the covenant that was established long ago. Grant them a heart to worship You, and to do Your will with a strong heart. Open their heart to Your law and commandments and bring them peace. Hear their prayers, O God, and be reconciled to Your people. May they feel the prayers of the saints around the world on their behalf and be strengthened.
O Lord, Lord God, Creator of all things, You are awe-inspiring and strong and just and merciful. You alone are King and are kind. You alone are bountiful. You alone are just and almighty and eternal. You rescue Your people from every evil. Set free those who are imprisoned, look on those who are rejected and despised. Punish those who oppress and are insolent. Plant Your people on higher ground.
I pray that according to the riches of Your glory, You will grant them strength in their innermost being with power through Your Spirit, and that Christ may dwell in their hearts through faith. May they be rooted and grounded in the love of Christ. I pray they may have the power to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth of Your great love. May they be filled to the brim and overflowing with the knowledge and love of Christ in their hearts. May they demonstrate that love in ways that defy all human understanding. Accomplish far more than I could ever ask or imagine on their behalf, O Merciful One, so that Your glory may be seen in Your people. Amen (2 Chronicles 10.7; Jeremiah 8.15, 21-22; 2 Maccabees 1. 2-6, 24-29; Ephesians 3.16-20)
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Prayer: Living Our Utmost

Blessed be God! You created us to walk in good works which You laid out for us before the foundation of the world. May we not be disobedient to Your heavenly vision to grow into an holy temple in the Lord; built together spiritually into a dwelling place for You. You, O God, delight in us when we seek to be an expression of You in thought, word and deed before a watching world. May we truly live our utmost for Your highest sixty seconds of every minute, sixty minutes of every hour.
Grant us ears to hear, O God, and place Your wisdom in our hearts and minds so we may be a blessing to others. May we pass this vision on to the next generation, realizing that this is the most important inheritance we can bequeath. O God, we can only lead as far as we ourselves are willing to go; may we step fully into the irresistible future with You. Amen (Acts 26.19; 2 Chronicles 9.8, 23; Jeremiah 7.3, 23; 1 Maccabees 16.3; Ephesians 2.10, 21-23)
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Prayer: The Ancient Paths

Thank You that my genes, social status and country of origin have neither the first nor the last word in my faith journey. May I choose to see myself as You see me, O God -- inextricably bound to the One who loves me, who chose me before the foundation of the world, and adopted me as Your child through Christ Jesus, according to the good pleasure of Your will. May I walk securely in this knowledge, understanding that being formed into the image of Christ is not a simple process, it requires all of my heart, soul, and mind for a lifetime.
I stand willingly at the crossroads, looking and asking for the ancient paths, where the good way lies, and determine to walk in it and find rest for my soul. May Your message become a part of me, intertwined in my DNA; truly a new creation. May I be as a flung stone in a pond causing ripples to spread in ever-widening circles beyond all knowledge and anticipation. Fill me, O Lord, with Your joy and peace. May Your joy ripple out from me to others. Blessed be God! Amen (John 15.11; Jeremiah 6.16; Ephesians 1.3-6)
Friday, March 9, 2007
Prayer: Kingdom Values

Lord Jesus, may I naturally live a life of absolute dependence on You. I realize more each day that nothing I do is too small in Your eyes. Thank You for reminding me that in Your sight a little sparrow is of more value than a palace, and if all I ever deliver is a kind word to someone in need it is of more value in Your eyes than a stateman's speech. May I be humbled by this and pray to know You more intimately and understand Your Kingdom values rather than get caught up in what the world values.
O Lord, forgive me for taking my eyes off You; heal my sphere of influence and begin to heal the world. You, O Lord, are great and greatly to be praised. You establish boundaries for the sea; establish clear boundaries for me so I may stay ever close to You and enjoy Your peace and rest. May I sow to the Spirit so I may reap that which is eternal. May I not grow weary in well-doing so I may see the harvest You have planned. Grant, O Lord, grace and strength. Amen (2 Chronicles 7.3; 2 Chronicles 7.14; Jeremiah 5.22-23,25; 1 Maccabees 11.8,12; Galatians 6.7-9)
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Prayer: Joy of Spring

Ah, Lord God, thank You for the joy of spring. May I experience it in full measure as earth unfolds her joys and treasures, and sheds her long months of dreariness and travail. May I revel in the wonderful joy of her rebirth of beauty. I know that believing certain things about You brings healing and help, but knowing You and sensing Your Presence in a flower, Your message in its beauty and perfume brings healing in new ways.
Oh Lord, I stretch out my hands to You; hear from heaven, for You know my heart and You know what needs to be healed in my life. Reveal to me those areas where I have not relinquished all to You. I break up the fallow ground and remove the thorns. May I encourage others by guiding them to see You in this beautiful season. Teach me, O my God and King, to live by Your Spirit, for if I live by Your Spirit I will be guided by Your Spirit. Amen (Song of Solomon 2.12; 2 Chronicles 6.28-30; Jeremiah 4.3; 1 Maccabees 13.2-3; Galatians 5.16, 25)
Oh Lord, I stretch out my hands to You; hear from heaven, for You know my heart and You know what needs to be healed in my life. Reveal to me those areas where I have not relinquished all to You. I break up the fallow ground and remove the thorns. May I encourage others by guiding them to see You in this beautiful season. Teach me, O my God and King, to live by Your Spirit, for if I live by Your Spirit I will be guided by Your Spirit. Amen (Song of Solomon 2.12; 2 Chronicles 6.28-30; Jeremiah 4.3; 1 Maccabees 13.2-3; Galatians 5.16, 25)
Eternal Life,
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Prayer: Our Rock

Abba, Father, thank You for the gift of adoption and for Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your Son Jesus Christ. We look forward to the day when He is fully formed in us. Thank You for Your marvelous love and the assurance that nothing can wedge in between us and separate us from Your love. In all these things, we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.
The vastness of Your love calls us to realize how very rich we are; You, O Lord, remind us that You take pleasure in this our prosperity. We magnify Your name, for You provide shepherds after Your own Heart who feed us knowledge and understanding. Without You, O Lord, we would be scattered like sheep without a shepherd; vulnerable and without hope. You, O God are our Refuge and Strength, the Rock of our salvation, our ever-present help in time of trouble. We declare that You are good and Your steadfast love endures forever. Amen (Romans 8.37; Psalm 35.27; 2 Chronicles 5.13; Jeremiah 3.15; 1 Maccabees 12.35; Galatians 4.6,17,19)
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Prayer: Spiritual Leakage

How gently, how gradually are souls led into Your Kingdom, O God. You remind me that seed cannot germinate on hard ground. In heart matters, hard ground is often broken up with shared laughter and tears. May we patiently and expectantly prepare the soil as we sow the seed of Your Word so it will grow in the hearts and lives of those whom we love. May we be willing to invest the time and energy required in building eternal relationship with others.
In our daily routine, as we undertake those seemingly mundane tasks which must be done, by Your Spirit, O Lord, remind us often to do them looking to You. You made even the routine task of washing feet touching and sacred. You remind us that it is not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit. Forgive us when we not grow weary in the mundane and lose our ability to bring honor and glory to You. Forgive us for the times we exchange Your glory for something that doesn't profit. May we not forsake You, the Fountain of Living Water, by digging our own wells -- cisterns which are cracked and cannot hold water. Make us ever aware, O God, of spiritual leakage. Remind us that our trust in You must be rediscovered and reaffirmed each day -- we cannot rely on old victories, our position, or our past. We return to You, for You are the ground of all our confidence. Clothe us each day in Christ so we may bring Your Living Water to those around us. Fill us to the brim with Your Living Water so that we may splash true joy on all whom we meet. Amen (2 Corinthians 6.4; Zachariah 4.6; 1 Maccabees 11.71; Galatians 3.27)
In our daily routine, as we undertake those seemingly mundane tasks which must be done, by Your Spirit, O Lord, remind us often to do them looking to You. You made even the routine task of washing feet touching and sacred. You remind us that it is not by might, nor by power, but by Your Spirit. Forgive us when we not grow weary in the mundane and lose our ability to bring honor and glory to You. Forgive us for the times we exchange Your glory for something that doesn't profit. May we not forsake You, the Fountain of Living Water, by digging our own wells -- cisterns which are cracked and cannot hold water. Make us ever aware, O God, of spiritual leakage. Remind us that our trust in You must be rediscovered and reaffirmed each day -- we cannot rely on old victories, our position, or our past. We return to You, for You are the ground of all our confidence. Clothe us each day in Christ so we may bring Your Living Water to those around us. Fill us to the brim with Your Living Water so that we may splash true joy on all whom we meet. Amen (2 Corinthians 6.4; Zachariah 4.6; 1 Maccabees 11.71; Galatians 3.27)
Monday, March 5, 2007
Prayer: Finishing My Course with Joy that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord...Your Spirit brings to mind Eric Liddell's quote from Chariots of Fire, I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure. Fill me with the joy of knowing I am perfectly fulfilling that for which I was created and regenerated.
Before You formed me in the womb, You knew me... and before I was born You consecreated me and appointed me to go to all whom You send and speak Your Word without fear. But God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind. I can move into new situations, new relationships knowing You are with me...always.
I have been crucified with Christ so that I might live to You. I no longer live, but Christ lives in me and Christ grows in me more each day. It is You, O Christ, recreating me into Your image. It is not me trying to become more like You. May I rest in the Truth of Your Word and experience Your pleasure, O God. Amen (Acts 20.24; 2 Tim. 1.7; Jeremiah 1; Galatians 2.19-20)
Eternal Life,
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Prayer: Tender Love & Patience

Lord God, grant I pray a humble and contrite spirit, for You say it is on such a one that You look. May I tremble as I read Your Word. Move me with the same tender love and patience You have shown me as I pray for all tribes, all nations, all peoples. Especially grant this tender love and patience when faced with those who do not see things as I do. May I ever remember that I am not my own, but I am Yours, O God my King. May this prayer rise as incense before Your throne. Amen (Isaiah 66.2; Galatians 1)
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Prayer: Oneness

Oneness with You, O God. I wonder, what does that look like? You remind me that Christ was One with You, and He was sent to earth to be spent for us. I am also reminded that Christ said, As the Father hath sent me, so send I you. May I think often of You. May I look to You more. It is only then that I will unconsciously grow to be like You. We all with open face beholding...are changed into the same image...even as by the Spirit of the Lord. O God, grant me wisdom and knowledge. Pour out Your grace upon me.
As like the days of a tree shall the days of My people be and My chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands. May I be like a tree planted by rivers of living water, and may my roots sink down deep into You. May my days be like the days of a tree, and may I enjoy the works of my hands. May I bear fruit that is pleasing to You in due season. Your Spirit reminds me to examine myself to see if I am living in faith. May I become steeped in the realization that Christ lives in me. Thank You for hearing this prayer before I cried out to You. Thank You for answering before I finished speaking. Marvelous are Your ways, O God. Amen (2 Corinthians 3.18; 2 Chronicles 1.10; Isaiah 65.22, 24; 2 Corinthians 13.5)
As like the days of a tree shall the days of My people be and My chosen shall long enjoy the work of their hands. May I be like a tree planted by rivers of living water, and may my roots sink down deep into You. May my days be like the days of a tree, and may I enjoy the works of my hands. May I bear fruit that is pleasing to You in due season. Your Spirit reminds me to examine myself to see if I am living in faith. May I become steeped in the realization that Christ lives in me. Thank You for hearing this prayer before I cried out to You. Thank You for answering before I finished speaking. Marvelous are Your ways, O God. Amen (2 Corinthians 3.18; 2 Chronicles 1.10; Isaiah 65.22, 24; 2 Corinthians 13.5)
Friday, March 2, 2007
Prayer: Weak Not Strong

Ah, Lord God, You are the Potter, we are the clay. We are all the work of Your hand. We trust You to shape us into a vessel fit for Your use.
You remind us that no eye has seen, no ear has perceived what You will do for those who wait and trust in You. We feel so weak as we are shaped by Your strong hand. Yet, if we listen we hear You speak kindly to us. You tell us that Your grace is sufficient for Your power is made perfect in weakness. And so we rest in Your hands. Amen (Isaiah 64.4,8; 2 Corinthians 12.9)
Thursday, March 1, 2007
Prayer: Your Word is Life & Healing & Strength

The Word of the Lord pierces even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit. . .
Lovest thou Me?
Your Word, O God, hurts as no sin can ever hurt; for sin blunts feeling and clouds perspective. Your Word removes all deception and cuts to the quick, leading to the great point of revelation in heart and soul. Your Word is life and healing and strength. Speak Lord, for Thy servant heareth. You call me to serve You with singleness of heart and mind; ever searching my heart, my plans and motives. May I seek You with my whole heart, becoming strong and courageous as I follow You. Finish the work You have started, O Lord. Bring those alongside who have skill for every task and willing hearts to join in Your work.
I praise You, O God, for Your graciousness and favor, for Your abundant steadfast love, and for Your mercy. Thank You for being my Savior in all my distresses, for coming to me to comfort me with Yourself rather than sending messengers or angels. Thank You for Your presence. I praise You for being my Constant One. Thank You for lifting me up and carrying me all my days. My Redeemer from of Old is Your name. Fill me with Your love and open my heart and mind to Your divine jealously. May I guard as precious Your great love for me. Amen (Hebrews 4.12; John 21.17; 1 Samuel 3.10; 1 Chronicles 28.9-10, 20-21; Isaiah 63.7-9, 16; 1 Maccabees 6.44; 2 Corinthians 11.2)
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