Lord God, I ask You to make me new wine for others. May I no longer object to those fingers You choose to bring into my life to crush me to bring forth that wine. May I kick out the familiar whine during those times of crushing.
O Holy One, grant me strength for each day's tasks. I give thanks to You, my Strength and Provider. I call upon Your Name. I make known Your deeds among Your people. I sing to You, I sing praises to You. I tell of all Your wonderful works. I glory in Your Holy Name. Let my heart rejoice as I seek You. I return to You, for You are my Stronghold. May I be a prisoner of Hope, trusting in Your love and grace and mercy to see me through each and every moment of every day.
Psalm 105.1-4; Zechariah 9.12
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Prayer: My Circumstances & My Days
Ah Lord, God, I give You my circumstances and my days; may I live for You and Your purposes. Bring all the deep regions of my heart and mind into harmony with Your plans and purposes. Lay Your hand upon my head, quiet me with Your love. May Your Divine Spirit flow through me; through Your Divine touch bring healing as I wait in silence before You. Move me into a season of joy and gladness, a place of cheer, love and truth. I will gladly testify to others of the good things You have done, and praise Your holy Name.
Psalm 104.1-2; Zechariah 8.19
Psalm 104.1-2; Zechariah 8.19
Friday, September 28, 2007
Prayer: Transform & Transfix
O Lord, transform me and transfix me with Your gaze. May I walk with confidence in You and find peace and rest that no other one can give. I bless You, O my Lord, with all that is in within me, I bless Your holy Name. I call to mind all Your benefits and re-play them over and over in my mind so that I do not forget them: You forgive me of all those things I try to do in my own strength without seeking You, You heal all my diseases, You redeem my life from destruction, You crown me with steadfast love and mercy, You satisfy my mouth with good things and renew my youth like an eagle's. In thankfulness, may I render true judgments, show kindness and mercy, respect those who are marginalized and oppressed, and live with a clear conscience toward all.
Psalm 103.1-5; Zechariah 7.5, 9-10
Psalm 103.1-5; Zechariah 7.5, 9-10
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Prayer: Answer Me Speedily
Lord God, may Your government increase and may Your peace reign and have no end; start here in my own heart, O Lord. I submit to Your governance in all my affairs. I call upon Your waiting, loving, longing heart by claiming Your help, guidance and miracle-working power. I lift my face to You, My Lord. My voice cries out to You. I incline my ear to You and await Your answer. Answer me speedily in the day I call. I put my hope in You.
Isaiah 9.7; Psalm 102.1-2; Zechariah 6.15
Isaiah 9.7; Psalm 102.1-2; Zechariah 6.15
Monday, September 24, 2007
Prayer: Preparation is Not Suddenly Accomplished
Preparation is not suddenly accomplished...
Lord, each day, each moment, may I be prepared to meet You and do Your work Your way.
Preparation is a process steadily maintained.
You have prepared me my whole life through for where I am today at this moment in time. May I be an ever faithful disciple, ever following, ever prepared for the next step in my journey.
Let My Word control all your life.
You, O Lord, have the Words of Life.
See I have taken your guilt away from you, and will clothe you with festal apparel.
I am as a brand plucked from the fire. May I be the aroma of life to those around me, O gracious Lord. Thank You for choosing to clothe me in robes of righteousness. You alone, O Lord, are worthy to receive all glory and honor and praise.
Zechariah 3.4
Lord, each day, each moment, may I be prepared to meet You and do Your work Your way.
Preparation is a process steadily maintained.
You have prepared me my whole life through for where I am today at this moment in time. May I be an ever faithful disciple, ever following, ever prepared for the next step in my journey.
Let My Word control all your life.
You, O Lord, have the Words of Life.
See I have taken your guilt away from you, and will clothe you with festal apparel.
I am as a brand plucked from the fire. May I be the aroma of life to those around me, O gracious Lord. Thank You for choosing to clothe me in robes of righteousness. You alone, O Lord, are worthy to receive all glory and honor and praise.
Zechariah 3.4
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Prayer: Kingdom Priorities
O Lord, I sing a new song to You, for You have done marvelous things. You are a wall of fire about me, You are my Glory, and the Lifter of my Head. I draw near to You; draw near to me, O faithful God. May I not cling to my life as something of value; teach me Kingdom priorities. May I finish the course You have set for me and testify to all of the good news of Your grace.
Leviticus 11.45; Psalm 98.1; Zechariah 2.4; Acts 20.24
Leviticus 11.45; Psalm 98.1; Zechariah 2.4; Acts 20.24
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Prayer: Yours to Obey
Ah, Lord God, I pray for those of Your people who are in danger. Guard their lives; rescue them from the hand of the wicked. May Your clouds of darkness surround and protect them. May Your righteousness and justice prevail. Consume their adversaries on each side.
I am Yours to obey; may I become a faithful intercessor and choose ever to company with Christ.
Psalm 97.2-3, 10; Zechariah 1.3; Acts 19.15
I am Yours to obey; may I become a faithful intercessor and choose ever to company with Christ.
Psalm 97.2-3, 10; Zechariah 1.3; Acts 19.15
Friday, September 21, 2007
Prayer: Occupied
You, O Lord, formed me from the womb to be Your servant. May I ever be aware of You and Your purposes. You, O Lord, chose me! How incredible! May I be occupied with Your business. May I sing a new song of thanks for You, O Lord, have done marvelous things. Great are You, Lord and greatly to be praised. I place You in the highest place -- above all else.
Isaiah 49.5; Haggai 2.19,23; Psalm 96.1,4; Acts 18.5
Isaiah 49.5; Haggai 2.19,23; Psalm 96.1,4; Acts 18.5
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Prayer: Divine Characteristics
Ah, Holy Spirit, transform me within so that I exhibit Divine characteristics, not just good human characteristics. In all I do, may I bring glory and honor to You. You, O Lord, are good. Your mercy is everlasting and Your truth endures for all generations. I worship and bow down before You, my Maker. I kneel before You, O Gentle Shepherd, and open my heart to receive Your Word. May I be willing to examine my heart and life against Your Scriptures. You have allotted the time of my existence and the boundaries of the places where I live so that I might know You more fully. It is in You that I live and move and have my being. You, O God are the God of my praise.
Psalm 100.5; Psalm 95. 6-8; Haggai 1.7; Acts 17.11, 26-28
Psalm 100.5; Psalm 95. 6-8; Haggai 1.7; Acts 17.11, 26-28
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Prayer: Cheering My Soul
O Lord God, I seek to uphold Your honor in my bodily life and to remain ever loyal to You. When my cares are many, O Lord, may Your consolations cheer my soul. Strengthen my heart and my weak hands. Quiet me with Your love. Grant me an ear to hear You rejoice as You sing over me. Change my shame into praise. Open my heart to eagerly listen to all You say.
Psalm 94.19; Zephaniah 3.15-20; Acts 16.14
Psalm 94.19; Zephaniah 3.15-20; Acts 16.14
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Prayer: Embracing Humility
Thank You for calling me the apple of Your eye, for hiding me under the shadow of Your wings. May I hold precious that which You have put in me by means of regeneration. I seek You, O Lord. I come to You in humility. I embrace the humility that is found in Christ Jesus, my Lord. May the words of my mouth encourage and strengthen believers.
Hebrews 4.15; Psalm 17.8; Zephaniah 2.3; Acts 15.32
Hebrews 4.15; Psalm 17.8; Zephaniah 2.3; Acts 15.32
Monday, September 17, 2007
Prayer: Pour Over Me Fresh Oil
Ah, Lord God, there are no short-cuts to intimacy with You. Lead me, O God. Teach me to abide. Forgive me when I step out on my own. Pour over me fresh oil. May I flourish like the palm trees in the house of the Lord; like the cedars of Lebanon. May I still produce fruit in old age. You, O Lord, are my Rock. There is no unrighteousness in You. May I turn from worthless things and seek Your face.
Your great day is near, it is hastening fast. The sound in the earth right now is bitter; it is full of distress and anguish, devastation and gloom. At times, O Lord, Your face seems hidden in clouds of unknowing and thick darkness. May I be one who speaks Your Word boldly and testifies to the Words of Your grace.
Psalm 92.10, 12-15; Zephaniah 1; Acts 14.3,15
Your great day is near, it is hastening fast. The sound in the earth right now is bitter; it is full of distress and anguish, devastation and gloom. At times, O Lord, Your face seems hidden in clouds of unknowing and thick darkness. May I be one who speaks Your Word boldly and testifies to the Words of Your grace.
Psalm 92.10, 12-15; Zephaniah 1; Acts 14.3,15
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Prayer: An Eternal Effectual Way
Lord God, may I learn to pray about, to ask for, those things that are in keeping with Your will and Your revealed character. May I learn to do things not in "fits and starts", but in an eternal effectual way. Fill me with Your quietness and assurance. May I live in Your shadow and trust You in all, even when the fig tree does not bloom, when the fruit does not set, and when we are cut off from the fold. May I always be able to recognize You and call to mind the words of the prophets and find in them Your Voice and Your promises. You, O Lord, are my Hope and Strength. You, O Lord, are the Author and the Finisher of my faith. I place my hand in Yours; lead on, O King Eternal.
Isaiah 32.17; Psalm 91; Habakkuk 3.17-19; Acts 13.27
Isaiah 32.17; Psalm 91; Habakkuk 3.17-19; Acts 13.27
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Prayer: No Longer Carrying My Point
My iniquities -- doing things in my own strength -- are set before You. You, O Lord, have shown me that I resort to doing or saying things that will carry my point. Forgive me for blunting my ability to live my utmost for Your highest. Forgive me for trying to promote my own self-interest instead of honoring You. Teach me to know my days so that I may gain a wise heart. Teach me to live by faith, unafraid of what other might say or do.
1 Peter 4.2; 2 Corinthians 4.2; Psalm 90.8,12; Habakkuk 2.4
1 Peter 4.2; 2 Corinthians 4.2; Psalm 90.8,12; Habakkuk 2.4
Friday, September 14, 2007
Prayer: Strife & Contention Arise
Ah, Lord God, may I gain the simplicity that is in Christ Jesus. May my vision be devoted to the Holy Spirit so I may perceive Your Will and be in alignment with Your will as I intercede. Open Your Word to grant me speech to pray for those of Your children around the world in harsh and difficult circumstances and not simply give up in discouragement and defeat.
I call to mind those in Darfur, the Republic of Congo, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Chad, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Soviet Republics, Malaysia, North Korea, Central America, Venezuela...so many places, O Lord. I cry out in desperation with your prophet, Habakkuk: O Lord, how long will I cry for help and You will not listen? Or cry to you, 'Violence!" and You will not save? Why do You make me see wrongdoing and look at trouble? Destruction and violence are before me, strife and contention arise. So the law becomes slack and justice never prevails. The wicked surround the righteous, therefore judgment comes forth perverted...O Lord, You have marked them for judgment and You, O Rock, have established them for punishment. Your eyes are too pure to behold evil, and You cannot look on wrongdoing; why do You look on the treacherous, and are silent when the wicked swallow those who are more righteous than they? The enemy captures them all and rejoices and exults...is he to continue destroying nations without mercy?
Like Habakkuk I have so many questions. May my orientation be always toward You, O Lord God Almighty. May Your purposes prevail. Strengthen, O Lord, Your people. Strengthen, O Lord, this intercessor. May Your Holy Spirit bring to mind Your Word often throughout the day. May I remain steadfast in prayer and devotion for Your people. You are the King of kings, my everything, and I will adore You. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; may all power, wealth, strength, glory, honor, and blessing be Yours. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Psalm 89.1; Habakkuk 1; Acts 11.16, 23
I call to mind those in Darfur, the Republic of Congo, Liberia, Zimbabwe, Chad, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Nigeria, Niger, Mali, Malawi, Burundi, Rwanda, the Middle East, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Soviet Republics, Malaysia, North Korea, Central America, Venezuela...so many places, O Lord. I cry out in desperation with your prophet, Habakkuk: O Lord, how long will I cry for help and You will not listen? Or cry to you, 'Violence!" and You will not save? Why do You make me see wrongdoing and look at trouble? Destruction and violence are before me, strife and contention arise. So the law becomes slack and justice never prevails. The wicked surround the righteous, therefore judgment comes forth perverted...O Lord, You have marked them for judgment and You, O Rock, have established them for punishment. Your eyes are too pure to behold evil, and You cannot look on wrongdoing; why do You look on the treacherous, and are silent when the wicked swallow those who are more righteous than they? The enemy captures them all and rejoices and exults...is he to continue destroying nations without mercy?
Like Habakkuk I have so many questions. May my orientation be always toward You, O Lord God Almighty. May Your purposes prevail. Strengthen, O Lord, Your people. Strengthen, O Lord, this intercessor. May Your Holy Spirit bring to mind Your Word often throughout the day. May I remain steadfast in prayer and devotion for Your people. You are the King of kings, my everything, and I will adore You. Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty; may all power, wealth, strength, glory, honor, and blessing be Yours. Come quickly, Lord Jesus!
Psalm 89.1; Habakkuk 1; Acts 11.16, 23
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Prayer: An Aspiration for Unbroken Communion
Lord God, Almighty, Your Name is as an ointment poured forth. May I pour out this Balm of Gilead all throughout the day. Let my prayers come before You, incline Your ear to my cries for others living in darkness and pain. May this day be a turning point for me in my prayer life. I aspire for unbroken communion with You, my God.
Song of Solomon 1.3; Psalm 88.2; Acts 10.2
Song of Solomon 1.3; Psalm 88.2; Acts 10.2
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Prayer: Your Kingdom Come
Lord God, there have been points of time on this journey where I have experienced spiritual confusion, clouds of unknowing, darkness, hidden preparation. Even when I cannot see my way, may I not question the Way You take, but realize that You have larger purposes at stake about which I may not know. On the other side of those times, I plainly see that Your Truth could not be gained in any other way. May my desire always be for Your Kingdom; to find that Kingdom, to serve Your Kingdom purposes. Grant a single eye, desiring nothing less than Your Kingdom come. I trust that all my fresh springs are in You. I choose to wait on You in times confusion, continuing to live in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of Your Holy Spirit, devoted to good works and acts of charity; trusting in Your timing and purposes.
Matthew 6.33; Exodus 40.38; Psalm 87.7; Acts 9.31,36
Matthew 6.33; Exodus 40.38; Psalm 87.7; Acts 9.31,36
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Prayer: Running Steadily in the Little Ways
Lord God, may I be one who runs steadily in the little ways, so I am ready in times of crisis. May I value my connection to You, my True Vine. Teach me Your Way, O Lord, that I may walk in Your Truth. Grant, I pray, an undivided heart that I may revere Your Name. Turn to me, and be gracious to me. Grant strength to Your servant. May I see You even in the midst of the whirlwind and storm. May Your Holy Spirit guide me into all Truth; grant understanding and application to that which I read in Your Word.
Exodus 39.30; Psalm 86, 11, 16; Nahum 1.3; Acts 8.30-31
Exodus 39.30; Psalm 86, 11, 16; Nahum 1.3; Acts 8.30-31
Monday, September 10, 2007
Prayer: The Hidden, Worshipping Life of the Saint
Lord God, may I be ever willing to enter into the hidden close of prayer and worship; ever ready to stand apart from the world. Let me hear what You, O Lord, will speak. I turn to You, O Faithful God, with my whole heart. I look to You; I wait for the God of my Salvation. Hear Me, O God. Shepherd Your people with Your staff. Shepherd, lead, feed us as in the days of old. Show us marvelous things. May I be devoted to prayer and serving the Word, and may I be found to be a faithful servant, O Master.
Psalm 85.8; Micah 7.7,14-15; Acts 6.4
Psalm 85.8; Micah 7.7,14-15; Acts 6.4
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Prayer: Withhold No Good Thing
Lord God, may I learn to live very near You, basking in Your love and grace, soaking it up so it becomes a very part of me. May I, in turn, radiate that same love and grace to all those around me. You are my sun and shield; no good thing do You withhold. You require the same of me; to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with You. May I choose to walk in obedience to You rather than conforming to the world around me.
2 Corinthians 10.5; 2 Corinthians 2.14; Psalm 84.11; Micah 6.8; Acts 5.29
2 Corinthians 10.5; 2 Corinthians 2.14; Psalm 84.11; Micah 6.8; Acts 5.29
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Prayer: A Companion of Jesus
Father God, I accept the task of turning my natural life into a spiritual life. May I become more and more aware of my moral choices and how they effect my spiritual growth. I cast down vain imaginations and every high thought that exalts itself against You; teach me to walk in Your ways. Stir my heart and Spirit, O God, so that I may be recognized by others as a companion of Jesus.
2 Corinthians 10.5; Deuteronomy 5.33; Exodus 35.21; Micah 5.7; Acts 4.13, 29
2 Corinthians 10.5; Deuteronomy 5.33; Exodus 35.21; Micah 5.7; Acts 4.13, 29
Eternal Life,
Friday, September 7, 2007
Prayer: Keep Right at the Source
You, O Lord, are my strong refuge. May I keep right at the Source, so I may be a wonder to many and You may receive all the glory, praise and honor due You. Take me as Your inheritance, so everyone around me may see Your good work in and through me. May I give justice to the weak and the orphan, maintain the right of the destitute and lowly; may I rescue the weak and the needy. May I walk in the Name of the Lord forever and ever. Send, O God, Your times of refreshing to this dry, parched, weary land.
Psalm 71.7; Exodus 34.9-10; Micah 4.5; Acts 3.19-20
Psalm 71.7; Exodus 34.9-10; Micah 4.5; Acts 3.19-20
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Prayer: Walk in Hope
Lord Jesus Christ, You are my Glorious Source. May I keep myself right with You so Living Water flows from You through me. Thank You for being a personal, intimate God, who knows me by name and who knows my every thought. Thank You for hearing my cry. May I find favor and awe in Your sight. May I hear Your voice clearly and not make simplistic demands on You. May I teach others those truths and may I do it effectively. I open wide my mouth and my heart. I open them, O God, to You. Fill me with Your Power and Spirit, grant justice and might. May Your Spirit gift me with the ability to do faithfully whatever task You assign. May I walk always in Your hope.
John 7.38; Exodus 33.12; Psalm 81.5-10; Micah 3.8; Acts 2.4; 25-26
John 7.38; Exodus 33.12; Psalm 81.5-10; Micah 3.8; Acts 2.4; 25-26
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Prayer: Impatient with Time & Season
Lord God, May I be willing to watch with You through the revelation of Your Word and in the circumstances of my life. May I not be conformed to the world's way of thinking, but be willing to constantly transform my thinking by the renewing power of Your Spirit and Word. May I be found on the Lord's side, strong in Your Power and Spirit. May I not get impatient with Your time or season, but wait on Your Spirit to come with power.
Matthew 26.40; Romans 12.2; Exodus 32.26; Psalm 80.17; Micah 2.12; Acts 1.7, 8
Matthew 26.40; Romans 12.2; Exodus 32.26; Psalm 80.17; Micah 2.12; Acts 1.7, 8
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Prayer: Carry Out Your Enterprises
Ah, Lord God, May I be entirely Yours and allow You to carry out Your enterprises through me. I am so tired, so weary; I must look to You for all. You have called me by name; fill me with Your Spirit, with the needed ability, intelligence and knowledge. Sanctify me, O Lord, to be a faithful steward of Your Word. You know everything, O Lord, You know that I love You. May I be a servant of Your church.
Teach me, O God, to be a faithful intercessor for the persecuted church. Let the groans of the prisoners come before You, O Lord. According to Your great power, preserve those who are doomed to die.
Exodus 31.2, 3, 13; Psalm 27.11; John 21.17
Teach me, O God, to be a faithful intercessor for the persecuted church. Let the groans of the prisoners come before You, O Lord. According to Your great power, preserve those who are doomed to die.
Exodus 31.2, 3, 13; Psalm 27.11; John 21.17
Monday, September 3, 2007
Prayer: Generations to Come
Lord God, grant I pray, a steadfast heart and a faithful spirit. May I not be stubborn and rebellious. Fill my memory and my mouth with Your wonderful works so I may tell them to my children and the generations to come so they may set their hope in You. You, O God, are gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Thank You for being the God of my Salvation.
Psalm 78.6-8; Jonah 4.2; John 19.42
Psalm 78.6-8; Jonah 4.2; John 19.42
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Prayer: Unseen Footprints

Father God, I come to You as a trusting child, seeking You and a time of refreshing. May Your Living Waters flow through me. May I not be set on any particular economy here below, but simply abandon myself to the flow of You and Your Kingdom. Grant eyes to see Your marvels unfolding all around me. Your wonders are beyond what I could ask or think; truly a beautiful garden of hope. May I water this garden of delight carefully with a grateful, generous spirit and a loving heart.
I recognize You as my Shepherd King, who brought me out of Egypt with a mighty hand. You brought me out of the dry, stark, weary places to a land of beauty and delight. Your Way, O God is holy. What God is so great as You? Your Way was through the sea; Your path through the mighty waters; yet Your footprints were unseen. Only looking back do I see Your gentle leading. Grant eyes to see and a listening ear ever attuned to Your Voice, Your leading on the Way.
John 18.37; John 20.28; Exodus 29.46; Psalm 77.13, 19; Jonah 3.10
I recognize You as my Shepherd King, who brought me out of Egypt with a mighty hand. You brought me out of the dry, stark, weary places to a land of beauty and delight. Your Way, O God is holy. What God is so great as You? Your Way was through the sea; Your path through the mighty waters; yet Your footprints were unseen. Only looking back do I see Your gentle leading. Grant eyes to see and a listening ear ever attuned to Your Voice, Your leading on the Way.
John 18.37; John 20.28; Exodus 29.46; Psalm 77.13, 19; Jonah 3.10
Eternal Life,
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Prayer: Without a Shadow Between
Immanuel, God-With-Us, the Name above all names. May this Name be a reality in my life.
You call me to be holy, O Lord, even as You are holy. Through the Atonement of Your Son, Jesus Christ, put me into perfect union with You, without a shadow between. You, O God called me. I call out to You to complete that which You started within me. I with the voice of thanksgiving sacrifice my life to You. Lord, I want to know You and make You known. May I be known as one who loves and lives Your Word, Your Truth.
1 Peter 1.16; Isaiah 48.12; Jonah 2; John 17
You call me to be holy, O Lord, even as You are holy. Through the Atonement of Your Son, Jesus Christ, put me into perfect union with You, without a shadow between. You, O God called me. I call out to You to complete that which You started within me. I with the voice of thanksgiving sacrifice my life to You. Lord, I want to know You and make You known. May I be known as one who loves and lives Your Word, Your Truth.
1 Peter 1.16; Isaiah 48.12; Jonah 2; John 17
Eternal Life,
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