Pictures were not allowed at the Jesus Boat Exhibit,
so have pulled one from the archaeologists involved
in the discovery and recovery of the boat.
There was a three year drought on the Sea of Galilee. A couple of bothers who were fishermen and lay archaeologists were convinced that they would find something significant off shore. One day they discovered some nails, and upon digging through the mud, found the remains of a first century boat. Other archaeologists were brought in and the boat was rescued and a museum has been set up telling the story.
Key Learning
There are only eight people who can fit in one of these boats. The person in the stern would be the one responsible for the rudder. When the disciples yelled at Jesus, they are upset because He had "fallen asleep on the job" and they are about to drown. Mark 4:36 states, "The disciples got in boats"...there was not enough room in one boat for all 12.
Boardwalk leading from the Jesus Boat Exhibit to the Dock
Joint Venture of Palestinian and Jewish Students
Ship We Passed;
Similar to the One We Were On
Bruce and Michael Card
Dr. James C. Martin
Crossing the Sea of Galilee
Our Ship
Ron Davis & Karen
Wind and Sea Began to Pick Up
As We Crossed;
A windstorm from the east is called a "Sharkia" and usually occurs
from November to March
JoAnn and Jeff Attempting to Take an Action Shot of the Group during the Wind Picking Up
Sunset on Sea of Galilee
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