Father God, like Naomi, for years I was in a far country working and toiling, only to have it blown away like so much chaff. Standing in the fields of Moab, the rumor comes that You have visited Your people and given them food. Have You but one blessing, my Father? Bless me, even me also, O my Father!
I am encouraged by Your Word that even as clay that has been marred in the Potter's hand, I can be reshaped into a vessel the Potter can use. Remake me, reshape me, O Lord.
I have had the reputation of being alive, but really I am dead. Awaken me, O Lord, to Your voice, to Your Kingdom. Call to mind by Your Holy Spirit all that I have seen and heard. Set before me an open door which no one is able to shut. I have little power to open it myself, but I have kept Your Word and have not denied Your Name. Grant me gold that has been refined by fire, garments of white, salve to open my eyes to see things from Your perspective. I know You only discipline those whom You love, may I be zealous for Your love and repent. I hear Your Voice; I open the Door. Come in, Lord Jesus, bless me and make me a blessing to others. Amen
Genesis 27.38; Ruth 1.6; Jeremiah 18.4-6; Revelation 3
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