Saturday, February 2, 2008

Prayer: Voice of the Marytrs

O Lord God, hear the voice of the martyrs crying out to You from under Your altar, How long, O Lord? How long before You will judge and avenge our deaths?

We hear the news of Kenya, Chad, Iraq, the Middle East, the Balkans, and cry out in agreement with the marytrs, How long, O Lord, how long? Execute justice in the morning and deliver the innocent, the weak, the widow, the orphan from the hand of the oppressor. Let Your wrath go out like fire to those who say, 'Who shall come against us, or who shall enter our habitations?' Punish the evildoers according to the fruit of their own deeds, O Righteous Judge. Clothe Your martyrs in white and give them rest.

You, O Lord, are Sovereign, Holy and True. Hear my cry even when I do not understand, even when I am overwhelmed. I come to You, the Rock who is higher than I . Place my feet on higher ground. Amen

Jeremiah 21.12-14; Revelation 6.9-11

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