...and You have made them a Kingdom...made them priests to our God...golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints...
I confess that these thoughts are overwhelming, especially in light of today's news: women, and children as young as one year old, being raped in camps for displaced people in Kenya; Down's syndrome women being used as suicide bombers to kill 72 innocent people in a marketplace in Iraq.
How do I intercede, O Lord? How can I be a priest to my God? How do I fill those golden bowls with incense that will rise before Your throne? Spread Your wings over Your servant for You are a Redeemer. Spread Your wings over these people, O Lord, for they need a Redeemer. O Lord of Hosts, who tests the righteous, who sees the heart and mind, let me see Your vengeance upon these perpetrators of evil. To You I commit the cause of the weak, the helpless, the voiceless.
Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord! For He has delivered the life of the needy from the hand of evildoers. May it be, Lord Jesus, may it be. Amen.
Genesis 28.16-17; Ruth 2.8, 12; Revelation 4.11
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