Ah, Lord God, forgive me for those times when I trusted in my own works and in what I thought brought security. I put my trust in You; may You be my highest treasure. I come to You. Continue to teach me Your will. Teach me to be gentle and lowly in heart. Grant, O Lord, rest for my soul.
Jeremiah 48.7; Matthew 11.28-30
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Prayer: Supreme Value

I take to heart that which Your Holy Spirit brings to mind. May my life be precious in the sight of the Lord and may He deliver me out of all my troubles. I will not fear nor be afraid, for You remind me that I am of supreme value in Your sight -- For His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
Exodus 7.23; 1 Samuel 26.24; Matthew 10.31
Exodus 7.23; 1 Samuel 26.24; Matthew 10.31
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Prayer: Discerning Woman
Lord God, may I be a discerning woman. Pour out Your peace upon me, upon my house, and all that I have, for You are my Lord and You have brought me out from under burdens. Even now You will deliver and redeem me by Your outstretched arm. In vain these past few weeks I have used many medicines but there is no healing there for me. I am sick and have need of the Great Physician. I stretch out my hand to touch even the hem of Your ways. I take heart as Your daughter; make me well, O God. Let me hear Your sweet voice say, Take heart daughter, your faith has made you well.
1 Samuel 25.3,5; Exodus 66.6,9; Jeremiah 46.11; Matthew 9.12.21-22
1 Samuel 25.3,5; Exodus 66.6,9; Jeremiah 46.11; Matthew 9.12.21-22
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Prayer: Only Say the Word
You, O Lord, have made my mouth.
You have promised to be with me and to teach what I shall speak.
O Lord, I am weary with my groaning and find no rest.
May You, O Lord, plead my cause and deliver!
I do not seek great things for myself, only to be Your faithful, humble servant.
Only say the word...
Remove all fear.
I put my trust in You, the Lord God Almighty, High King of Heaven, Maker of heaven and earth.
Exodus 4.1; 1 Samuel 24.15; Jeremiah 45.3, 5; Matthew 8.8, 26
You have promised to be with me and to teach what I shall speak.
O Lord, I am weary with my groaning and find no rest.
May You, O Lord, plead my cause and deliver!
I do not seek great things for myself, only to be Your faithful, humble servant.
Only say the word...
Remove all fear.
I put my trust in You, the Lord God Almighty, High King of Heaven, Maker of heaven and earth.
Exodus 4.1; 1 Samuel 24.15; Jeremiah 45.3, 5; Matthew 8.8, 26
Monday, February 25, 2008
Prayer: Turn Aside
O Lord, I will turn aside to see what it is You have for me to accomplish for You. I sit quietly listening, inclining my ear, ready to turn from my selfish ways into Your purposes. I humble myself this day; I choose to fear You, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I ask for the old paths so I may walk in them. I seek to know You more intimately through Your Word and prayer, through circumstances and Your people. With this prayer, I knock on the very door of heaven. Amen
Exodus 3.3; Jeremiah 44.5, 10; Matthew 7.7
Exodus 3.3; Jeremiah 44.5, 10; Matthew 7.7
Eternal Life,
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Prayer: The God Who Is There
You remind me that You are the God who sees and knows and hears. I content my self to see what You will do for me, Your child.
Exodus 2.25; ! Samuel 22.3; Matthew 6.14, 32
Exodus 2.25; ! Samuel 22.3; Matthew 6.14, 32
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Prayer: Roots for the Rootless
I confess that I have been rootless much of my life; always quick to pick up and move on. I hear Your call to remain where You have planted me. Build up, O Lord and do not pull down; plant and do not pluck up. As for me, I will let Your light shine before others here in this place and give glory to my Father who is in heaven.
Exodus 1.21; Jeremiah 42.10; Matthew 5.16
Exodus 1.21; Jeremiah 42.10; Matthew 5.16
Friday, February 22, 2008
Prayer: Mizraim
Mizraim...mourning...grievous mourning. So much sorrow, so much mourning for loved ones who have journeyed on and left us behind to carry on. May Your light dawn in the hearts of all who dwell and grieve in the region and shadow of death. Amen
Genesis 50.12; 1 Samuel 20.34; Matthew 4.16
Genesis 50.12; 1 Samuel 20.34; Matthew 4.16
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Prayer: Stone of Help
O Lord, You have worked a great salvation; You are my Stone of Help. You are the Almighty who blesses me with the blessings of the heaven above and blessings from the deep. You have released me from the chains on my hands, and will baptize me with the Holy Spirit and fire. Thank You!
Genesis 49.24-25; 1 Samuel 19.5; Jeremiah 40.4; Matthew 3.11
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Prayer: All My Life Long
You, O Lord, have been my Shepherd all my life long, even to this very day. You have given me success in all my undertakings. Forgive me for those times when I have failed to put my trust in You. You are my Bright & Morning Star. I rejoice exceedingly in You, my Lord and my God. Amen
Genesis 48.15-16; 1 Samuel 18.14; Jeremiah 39.18; Matthew 2.10
Genesis 48.15-16; 1 Samuel 18.14; Jeremiah 39.18; Matthew 2.10
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Prayer: Mud & Muck
O Lord God, we Your people are but sojourners in this land. We are here so all the earth may come to know that there is a God. You have deigned to be called Immanuel, God with us. May we who are called by Your name come to live our lives as though we actually believe this truth: the Holy God, Jehovah, Immanuel, is with us in all we do.
Forgive us for living with our feet stuck in the mud and muck of this world. Clear our vision and set our feet on higher ground so we may reflect Your glory to a watching world. Amen
Genesis 47.4; 1 Samuel 17.46-47; Jeremiah 38; Matthew 1.23
Forgive us for living with our feet stuck in the mud and muck of this world. Clear our vision and set our feet on higher ground so we may reflect Your glory to a watching world. Amen
Genesis 47.4; 1 Samuel 17.46-47; Jeremiah 38; Matthew 1.23
Eternal Life,
Monday, February 18, 2008
Prayer: The Tree of Life
Ah, Lord God, the Tree of Life image has been a prominent image as of late in my readings, in conversation, in study, in myth. The image of leaves on a tree that brings healing to the nations. . . so hard for me to imagine a tree with the number of leaves it would take to accomplish that feat today. A formidible task, indeed! The quaking aspen comes to mind: the trembling leaves, the wondrous sound in the breeze. Bring healing, O Merciful God, upon the earth. Day after weary day the inhabitants of this earth weep their weary lives away. Bring healing, O Compassionate God, to this bruised and broken earth. Amen
Genesis 46.28; I Samuel 16.7; Revelation 22.2
Genesis 46.28; I Samuel 16.7; Revelation 22.2
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Prayer: The Importance of Being Sent
Ah, Lord God, may I grasp the importance of being "sent"; to keep alive Your truth, to preserve a remnant, to obey, to listen, to dwell with You.
Genesis 45.5,7-8; 1 Samuel 15.1, 22; Revelations 21.3-4
Genesis 45.5,7-8; 1 Samuel 15.1, 22; Revelations 21.3-4
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Prayer: For He Has Worked With God This Day
Lord God, may I work with You this day, receiving instruction and listening to Your Word. Let me be not wise in my own heart, nor lean to my own understanding of things. I will seek to acknowledge You in all I do, and wait for You to show me the path I should take. I trust in You with all my heart, and turn away from evil. O Lord, bring healing to my flesh and refreshment to my bones. Amen
1 Samuel 14.45; Jeremiah 35.13; Proverbs 3. 5-8
1 Samuel 14.45; Jeremiah 35.13; Proverbs 3. 5-8
Eternal Life,
Friday, February 15, 2008
Prayer: Weavings
...His Bride made herself ready; it was granted her to clothe herself with fine linen, bright and pure -- for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints. Revelation 19.8
Father God, how curious is this verse to me. . . My righteous deeds will actually help clothe the Bride of Christ with fine linen, bright and pure? Amazing! By walking in Your Spirit, by glorifying You, by being one with You, I am granted the opportunity to contribute to the weaving of the wedding garment of the Bride of Christ? Amazing! May it be, Lord Jesus, may it be. Amen
Father God, how curious is this verse to me. . . My righteous deeds will actually help clothe the Bride of Christ with fine linen, bright and pure? Amazing! By walking in Your Spirit, by glorifying You, by being one with You, I am granted the opportunity to contribute to the weaving of the wedding garment of the Bride of Christ? Amazing! May it be, Lord Jesus, may it be. Amen
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Prayer: Mighty Things I Have Not Known

O Lord God, may I fear You and serve You faithfully with all my heart. I sit and contemplate all the great things You have done for me. . .
I call to You, O my God. Answer me and tell me great and mighty things I have not known. Bring health and healing; reveal to me an abundance of prosperity and security. Thank You, O my Portion and Stay. Amen.
1 Samuel 12.24; Jeremiah 33.3, 6
I call to You, O my God. Answer me and tell me great and mighty things I have not known. Bring health and healing; reveal to me an abundance of prosperity and security. Thank You, O my Portion and Stay. Amen.
1 Samuel 12.24; Jeremiah 33.3, 6
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Prayer: Called & Chosen & Faithful
Ah, Lord God! It is You who have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and by Your outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for You! You are Lord of lords and King of kings, and we are called and chosen and faithful. Grant us one heart and one way that we may fear You forever for our own good and the good of our future generations. Make an everlasting covenant with us and do not turn away from doing good to us; plant us in the land of faithfulness so we may serve You with all our heart and soul. Amen
Jeremiah 32.17,39-41; Revelation 17.14
Jeremiah 32.17,39-41; Revelation 17.14
Eternal Life,
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Prayer: Through the Lens of the Eternal
Interpretations of dreams belong to You, O God. Let Your Spirit rush in and make known Your will and Your way. May I view all dreams, all events through the lens of the Eternal.
You have loved me with an everlasting love and have continued Your faithfulness to me. You have turned my mourning into joy and comforted me, giving me gladness for my sorrows. My soul feasts in Your abundance. I am satisfied with Your goodness, O Shepherd of my Soul. Amen
Genesis 40.8; I Samuel 10.6-7; Jeremiah 31
You have loved me with an everlasting love and have continued Your faithfulness to me. You have turned my mourning into joy and comforted me, giving me gladness for my sorrows. My soul feasts in Your abundance. I am satisfied with Your goodness, O Shepherd of my Soul. Amen
Genesis 40.8; I Samuel 10.6-7; Jeremiah 31
Monday, February 11, 2008
Prayer: Great & Amazing Are Your Deeds, Lord God the Almighty!
O Lord God, Your blessing is on all that I have in house and field. You, O Lord, are with me and You bring success in all that I do. May I be known as a woman of God, and may none of my words fall to the ground. I faithfully record Your Words spoken to me in the quiet of my dwelling. Restore health and bring healing, O Gracious God, both spiritual and physical.
Great and amazing are Your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty!
Just and true are Your ways, O King of the Ages!
I fear and glorify Your Name, for You alone are Holy.
You, O Lord, are great and greatly to be praised! Amen
Genesis 35.9, 23; 1 Samuel 9.6; Jeremiah 30.2, 17; Revelation 15.3, 4
Great and amazing are Your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty!
Just and true are Your ways, O King of the Ages!
I fear and glorify Your Name, for You alone are Holy.
You, O Lord, are great and greatly to be praised! Amen
Genesis 35.9, 23; 1 Samuel 9.6; Jeremiah 30.2, 17; Revelation 15.3, 4
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Prayer: Your Name, O Lord, I Bless
O Lord, it is Your face I seek with my whole heart.
Thank You for Your promise of a future and a hope.
Blessed indeed will I be if my deeds follow me once I rest from my labors.
Your way, O Lord, is best.
Your Name, O Lord, I bless. Amen
Jeremiah 29.13; Revelation 14.13
Thank You for Your promise of a future and a hope.
Blessed indeed will I be if my deeds follow me once I rest from my labors.
Your way, O Lord, is best.
Your Name, O Lord, I bless. Amen
Jeremiah 29.13; Revelation 14.13
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Prayer: My Stone of Help

Lord I raise mine Ebenezer;
Hither by Thy grace I've come;
And I hope by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it;
Prone to leave the God I love.
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
Then Samuel took a stone and set it up...and called its name Ebenezer (Stone of Help), for he said, 'Thus far has the Lord helped us.' 1 Samuel 7.12
O Lord, no matter the circumstance, grant patient endurance and continuing faith on this journey. Amen
1 Samuel 7.12; Revelation 13.7-10
Hither by Thy grace I've come;
And I hope by Thy good pleasure,
Safely to arrive at home.
Prone to wander, Lord I feel it;
Prone to leave the God I love.
Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
Seal it for Thy courts above.
Then Samuel took a stone and set it up...and called its name Ebenezer (Stone of Help), for he said, 'Thus far has the Lord helped us.' 1 Samuel 7.12
O Lord, no matter the circumstance, grant patient endurance and continuing faith on this journey. Amen
1 Samuel 7.12; Revelation 13.7-10
Eternal Life,
Friday, February 8, 2008
Prayer: Presence in the Daily
...Anah who found the hot springs in the wilderness, as he pastured the donkeys of Zibeon his father...Such a funny passage, O Lord, what could it possibly mean for my life today? Help me hold this thought as I contemplate Your Word.
The great accuser of our souls would have us believe that we are not able to stand before You, this Holy God. Yet, by Your Spirit You remind us to conquer the accuser, this fear, by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. You tell us the confidence that we have is in You; that if we ask anything in Your Name, You hear us and we have the requests we have asked of You. Even when we do not know what to ask, You gently nudge us through the leading of Your Spirit and Your Word.
O Lord, grant us a refreshing surprise in the wilderness as we go about fulfilling quite ordinary, even mundane tasks. Grant us a sense of Your Presence in the daily, even as You did for Anah so many years ago. Thank You. Amen
Genesis 36.24; 1 Samuel 6.20; Jeremiah 27.5; Revelation 12.11-10; 1 John 5.14-15
The great accuser of our souls would have us believe that we are not able to stand before You, this Holy God. Yet, by Your Spirit You remind us to conquer the accuser, this fear, by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony. You tell us the confidence that we have is in You; that if we ask anything in Your Name, You hear us and we have the requests we have asked of You. Even when we do not know what to ask, You gently nudge us through the leading of Your Spirit and Your Word.
O Lord, grant us a refreshing surprise in the wilderness as we go about fulfilling quite ordinary, even mundane tasks. Grant us a sense of Your Presence in the daily, even as You did for Anah so many years ago. Thank You. Amen
Genesis 36.24; 1 Samuel 6.20; Jeremiah 27.5; Revelation 12.11-10; 1 John 5.14-15
Eternal Life,
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Prayer: In Weal & Woe
You, O God Almighty, are the God who answers me in the day of my distress, and You have been with me wherever I have gone. At times Your hand has been heavy upon me; at other times You have borne me up on eagle's wings. You, O Lord, pronounce weal and woe not for individuals alone but for nations and kingdoms. May the Kingdom of the world become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and may You reign forever and ever. Amen
Genesis 35.3; 1 Samuel 5.11; Jeremiah 26.18; Revelation 11.15
Genesis 35.3; 1 Samuel 5.11; Jeremiah 26.18; Revelation 11.15
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Prayer: Roar, O Lion of Judah!
Hail, hail, Lion of Judah! Roar from on High; from Your Holy Habitation let Your Voice be heard. Let the roar resound to the ends of the earth. Bring Your indictment against the nations, Your judgment on all flesh. Put Your sword to the wicked, to the oppressors of the innocents. Like a lion, O God Almighty, leave Your lair. Let there be no more delay; let the Mystery of God be fulfilled. Amen
Jeremiah 25.30-32, 38; Revelation 10.6-7
Jeremiah 25.30-32, 38; Revelation 10.6-7
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Prayer: Rare Word
As in the days of Samuel, Your Word today seems rare, O Lord; there is no frequent vision. Speak, Lord, for Your servant hears; reveal Yourself by the Word of the Lord.
Set Your eyes upon us for good; bring us into Your promise. Build up and not tear down; plant and not uproot. Give us a heart to know You; make us Your people and be our God. Thank You, O Lord, for hearing our prayer and making it reality. Amen
1 Samuel 3.1, 9, 21; Jeremiah 24.6-7
Set Your eyes upon us for good; bring us into Your promise. Build up and not tear down; plant and not uproot. Give us a heart to know You; make us Your people and be our God. Thank You, O Lord, for hearing our prayer and making it reality. Amen
1 Samuel 3.1, 9, 21; Jeremiah 24.6-7
Monday, February 4, 2008
Prayer: Cataclysmic Change
O Lord, I am not worthy of the least of all the deeds of steadfast love and all the faithfulness You have shown Your servant. There is none Holy like You, O Lord, there is none besides You; there is no Rock like my God. Teach me to honor You, O Lord, with all I say and do. May I be faithful and learn to seek out Your heart and mind; to hear, to listen and obey Your Word. May I speak Your Word faithfully, even when it is a consuming fire or a hammer that breaks the heart of stone. May Your Word be prayer on my lips and may it rise like incense before Your throne creating cataclysmic change on the earth. Amen
Genesis 32.10; 1 Samuel 2.2, 25, 30, 35; Jeremiah 23.18, 28-29; Revelation 8.4-5
Genesis 32.10; 1 Samuel 2.2, 25, 30, 35; Jeremiah 23.18, 28-29; Revelation 8.4-5
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Prayer: Remember...
Ah, Lord God, I look back over my lifetime at all the confusing, difficult, good and even miraculous times, and realize the God of my fathers has been with me through them all. I come now to a time of inadequacy; a time of feeling Your call to be a Kingdom priest, an intercessor. I look at the the world stage and wonder, How, O Lord, do I take up this mantle? I trust that You, O Lord, are with me now, even in this.
O Lord of Hosts, look on the affliction of Your sevant and remember me; forget not Your servant but guide and lead me in this task You present. Do not regard Your servant a worthless woman, for all along I have been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation of spirit. Forgive me, O Lord, for lack of faith and confidence; may Your Spirit bring to mind and establish Your Word.
Deliver from the hand of the oppressor the ones who have been robbed, and do not allow any wrong or violence to come upon the resident alien, the fatherless, the widow. May innocent blood no longer be shed by evildoers. Shelter Your people with Your Presence so they shall neither hunger or thirst anymore. May the sun not strike them, nor any scorching heat. Be in their midst, O Shepherd of Souls, and guide them to springs of Living Water. May God, the Father of us all, wipe every tear from their eyes and hold them in the palm of His hand. Amen
Genesis 31.5; 1 Samuel 1; Jeremiah 22.3; Revelation 7.14-17
O Lord of Hosts, look on the affliction of Your sevant and remember me; forget not Your servant but guide and lead me in this task You present. Do not regard Your servant a worthless woman, for all along I have been speaking out of my great anxiety and vexation of spirit. Forgive me, O Lord, for lack of faith and confidence; may Your Spirit bring to mind and establish Your Word.
Deliver from the hand of the oppressor the ones who have been robbed, and do not allow any wrong or violence to come upon the resident alien, the fatherless, the widow. May innocent blood no longer be shed by evildoers. Shelter Your people with Your Presence so they shall neither hunger or thirst anymore. May the sun not strike them, nor any scorching heat. Be in their midst, O Shepherd of Souls, and guide them to springs of Living Water. May God, the Father of us all, wipe every tear from their eyes and hold them in the palm of His hand. Amen
Genesis 31.5; 1 Samuel 1; Jeremiah 22.3; Revelation 7.14-17
Eternal Life,
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Prayer: Voice of the Marytrs
O Lord God, hear the voice of the martyrs crying out to You from under Your altar, How long, O Lord? How long before You will judge and avenge our deaths?
We hear the news of Kenya, Chad, Iraq, the Middle East, the Balkans, and cry out in agreement with the marytrs, How long, O Lord, how long? Execute justice in the morning and deliver the innocent, the weak, the widow, the orphan from the hand of the oppressor. Let Your wrath go out like fire to those who say, 'Who shall come against us, or who shall enter our habitations?' Punish the evildoers according to the fruit of their own deeds, O Righteous Judge. Clothe Your martyrs in white and give them rest.
You, O Lord, are Sovereign, Holy and True. Hear my cry even when I do not understand, even when I am overwhelmed. I come to You, the Rock who is higher than I . Place my feet on higher ground. Amen
Jeremiah 21.12-14; Revelation 6.9-11
We hear the news of Kenya, Chad, Iraq, the Middle East, the Balkans, and cry out in agreement with the marytrs, How long, O Lord, how long? Execute justice in the morning and deliver the innocent, the weak, the widow, the orphan from the hand of the oppressor. Let Your wrath go out like fire to those who say, 'Who shall come against us, or who shall enter our habitations?' Punish the evildoers according to the fruit of their own deeds, O Righteous Judge. Clothe Your martyrs in white and give them rest.
You, O Lord, are Sovereign, Holy and True. Hear my cry even when I do not understand, even when I am overwhelmed. I come to You, the Rock who is higher than I . Place my feet on higher ground. Amen
Jeremiah 21.12-14; Revelation 6.9-11
Eternal Life,
Friday, February 1, 2008
Prayer: Spread Your Wings Over Your Servant
...and You have made them a Kingdom...made them priests to our God...golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints...
I confess that these thoughts are overwhelming, especially in light of today's news: women, and children as young as one year old, being raped in camps for displaced people in Kenya; Down's syndrome women being used as suicide bombers to kill 72 innocent people in a marketplace in Iraq.
How do I intercede, O Lord? How can I be a priest to my God? How do I fill those golden bowls with incense that will rise before Your throne? Spread Your wings over Your servant for You are a Redeemer. Spread Your wings over these people, O Lord, for they need a Redeemer. O Lord of Hosts, who tests the righteous, who sees the heart and mind, let me see Your vengeance upon these perpetrators of evil. To You I commit the cause of the weak, the helpless, the voiceless.
Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord! For He has delivered the life of the needy from the hand of evildoers. May it be, Lord Jesus, may it be. Amen.
Genesis 28.16-17; Ruth 2.8, 12; Revelation 4.11
I confess that these thoughts are overwhelming, especially in light of today's news: women, and children as young as one year old, being raped in camps for displaced people in Kenya; Down's syndrome women being used as suicide bombers to kill 72 innocent people in a marketplace in Iraq.
How do I intercede, O Lord? How can I be a priest to my God? How do I fill those golden bowls with incense that will rise before Your throne? Spread Your wings over Your servant for You are a Redeemer. Spread Your wings over these people, O Lord, for they need a Redeemer. O Lord of Hosts, who tests the righteous, who sees the heart and mind, let me see Your vengeance upon these perpetrators of evil. To You I commit the cause of the weak, the helpless, the voiceless.
Sing to the Lord, praise the Lord! For He has delivered the life of the needy from the hand of evildoers. May it be, Lord Jesus, may it be. Amen.
Genesis 28.16-17; Ruth 2.8, 12; Revelation 4.11
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