Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Prayer: A Planned Future with Hope

O Guardian of my soul, You know the plans You have for me, plans for good and not for evil; plans to give me a future with hope. Your Divine Mind and its wonder-working power on my behalf is far beyond my understanding. May I know with surety that nothing happens by mere chance. May I hear Your voice above the murmuring of my doubts, above the shouting of my self-will. Come, O Lord, and fill me with Your peace, quiet me with Your love, let me hear You rejoice over me with singing. May I, like King Josiah, choose to love you with all my heart, and soul, and might -- trusting You not only with my past, and my present, but with my future, as well. You tell me that Your Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. O move me into Your Kingdom, O Lover of my soul! (Jeremiah 29.11, Zephaniah 3.17, 2 Kings 23.25, Romans 14.17)

1 comment:

the blackwells said...

This is a great reminder -- that God is in control of it all -- especially when I turned in my application for Tesco this morning. *weeping and wailing* just kidding