O Lord, You are my support.
You have brought me out into a broad place.
You rescued me because You delighted in me.
I humbly come before You, O Lord God Almighty.
Be my lamp and lighten my darkness.
Lead me in the Way everlasting.
The heavens declare Your glory, O God.
The full moon throws its light on the earth and declares Your handiwork.
The pure reflection of moonlight upon the ocean declares Your wonder and inspires awe.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
Open the door before me and let no one shut it.
I have but little power at this point, but I have not denied Your name and I have kept Your Word
2 Samuel 22.19-22; 26-31; Psalm 19.1,14; Jeremiah 28.15; Rev. 3.8
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