Thursday, December 28, 2006

Musing: Casting Your Bread Upon the Waters

One never knows what may become of some simple, little project that is taken on at someone else's request. The project is conceived, agreed upon, completed and put out there. What happens next can often be very surprising. I just took a call from a dear lady in our church who had mailed her grandson one of the Advent Devotional booklets. He had entered the Marines in the fall of this year and is now in basic training. He called home today for ten minutes (his only allowed call) and said that he had been able to attend a Christmas Eve service, as well as a Christmas morning service. He then said, "What really made it feel like Christmas though were the readings in the Advent booklet you sent." He had called to say thanks. It is amazing, but true -- God's Word is living and active and does not return void when it is shared with others. Thanks be to God!

1 comment:

the blackwells said...

That's awesome that you are hearing stories of how putting all that together has touched so many people. Makes all the "craziness" of it well worth it. :)